Monday, 4 April 2016

3 Goals To Achieve In Programs to Gain Muscle Mass

Anyone can enroll in a gym right now and start training to gain muscle mass. However, gain muscle is far beyond than simply lifting weights anyway. There is a science behind muscle hypertrophy and the search for knowledge must be constant for you. Next, I quote three goals you should achieve in their programs with aims to gain muscle mass. Check it!


3 Goals To Achieve In Programs to Gain Muscle Mass

Create an effective training program requires more than just gather a bunch of exercises ...

You need to understand the science behind muscle hypertrophy, how things work "behind the scenes" than simply going out "taking weights" "crazy" ...

A good recommendation is to achieve the three objectives that highlight below:

1 - The Train Full Length
It is easier you want to focus more on specific areas of your body. Maybe you're trying to increase your chest and arms ...

This can be a good goal, but focus strongly in the same regions will not help you gain muscle mass effectively ...

Choose carry out a training program that works your entire body, to address all major muscle groups.

If you want to focus on specific areas of your body, that's fine, but be sure to train your body completely.

It is ridiculous, for example, train the upper limbs and trunk and not simply train the lower limbs. Unfortunately this is a very common habit especially among men ...

The opposite also exists, and it's done by women, or give too much emphasis on the lower limbs and simply forget the upper limbs and trunk ...

You may not like certain regions, all right, but it is inadmissible simply ignore them, pretend they do not exist ...

First, you must train the entire body for health issues and quality of life. You will not want to be a strong old from the waist up, but walking with a cane for having weak legs is not it?

You do not want to be a mother with a beautiful a pair of legs, but almost dies to hold their children in her lap because his arms are thin as a stick ...

So, think about it.

2 - Apply Progressive Overload
I talk about it thoroughly, but I will never get tired of talking whenever I remember.

One of the biggest secrets to the evolution of its results in muscle mass gains is simply to apply the principle of progressive overload.

In short, it means that your training today must be somehow better than the last workout you performed, and there are several ways to do this, for example: increase the burden on exercises whenever possible (but keeping quality of execution), implement effective training methods to enhance the training (drop-set, rest-pause, partial repetitions ...), trying to make a repeat more to overcome the repetition maximum limit you can do with a particular burden on a given year, among other tips ...

Whenever you leave the gym with that feeling that your workout today was better than the last one you ran for the same muscle groups, then you are achieving apply effectively the principle of progressive overload and increasing your chances of having great results in muscular hypertrophy.

However, if every day is the same, nothing changes, and you do the same old things, then forget it, your results will be a failure ...

3 - Prioritize A Good Recovery
Exercise causes micro lesions in the muscle fibers, and the rest provides the reconstruction of damaged muscle fibers micro and always puts a little more in these places through the mechanism called overcompensation.

Without proper recovery, you will not be able to gain muscle mass.

Remember that you spend on average one hour in a gym and 23 hours out of it, so it is crucial that these 23 hours are very thoughtful and harnessed to maximize your muscle recovery.

So have a good nutrition plan, a good quality of sleep, avoid problems and stress, have a healthy lifestyle, do not use alcohol, drugs of any kind, and certainly will have great chances to gain muscle the way you've always wanted!

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