Wednesday 6 April 2016

How to Build Forearm Monsters

It's time to enhance your forearms. Explode these lower arms with this battery of exercises and techniques!

Strengthening and building their forearms is not just about aesthetics, but strengthening the forearms can also help improve your power grip in a series of exercises.

Build forearms monsters, however, it is a bit more complicated than a few sets and reps. How legs, lower arms require a different approach to training. Unless you have a genetic predisposition to big forearms.

The muscle groups in your lower arms on top of his forearm near his elbow, and the group of smaller muscles in the upper part of your arm close to your wrist, collectively known as the wrist extensors and the muscles at the bottom known as the wrist flexors, have a higher degree of slow-twitch muscle fibers than most large skeletal muscle groups.

Besides the fact that these muscles are very small and therefore have limited potential for growth, its higher composition of slow-twitch fibers particularly makes a stubborn muscle to grow.

The forearm and hand muscles can be quite resistant to fatigue, which suggests more attention to adapt.

Training the Forearm

The specific forearm training to get fully on muscle fatigue is to ensure that work throughout the range of motion.

To work the muscle properly you should fully extend the wrist joint causing minor forearm muscles work actively through its entire range of motion. This means making waves with the wrist flexors to direct and reverse these pulse waves to target the extensors.

No need to make complicated movements for flexors and extensors, you just have to know what the pulse is being flexed. I normally do this move in a bank or some kind of support.

Another exercise to build even stronger forearms is a movement where you can use a dumbbell and let it roll out on your fingers [in the extension phase]. This allows me to work his fist and work hand muscles. "

  • The smallest details to have a Forearm Monstrous
  • When it comes to training forearms straight, you have three recommendations:
  • Perform higher repetitions: 10-20, with an average of 15 per series.
  • Rest less between sets: just long enough to allow the burning of the muscle decreases.
  • Do not stop training forearms on your training program.



I strongly suggest you explore very well the muscle fibers of slow contraction of your forearm, you can also train more often forearms up to three times a week.

Try multiple combinations of sets and reps with a high-intensity training, to see what is actually more effective for you.

Your goal is to gain muscle mass? Click here and learn how to do 3 amazing recipes to gain muscle ...

Monday 4 April 2016

3 Goals To Achieve In Programs to Gain Muscle Mass

Anyone can enroll in a gym right now and start training to gain muscle mass. However, gain muscle is far beyond than simply lifting weights anyway. There is a science behind muscle hypertrophy and the search for knowledge must be constant for you. Next, I quote three goals you should achieve in their programs with aims to gain muscle mass. Check it!


3 Goals To Achieve In Programs to Gain Muscle Mass

Create an effective training program requires more than just gather a bunch of exercises ...

You need to understand the science behind muscle hypertrophy, how things work "behind the scenes" than simply going out "taking weights" "crazy" ...

A good recommendation is to achieve the three objectives that highlight below:

1 - The Train Full Length
It is easier you want to focus more on specific areas of your body. Maybe you're trying to increase your chest and arms ...

This can be a good goal, but focus strongly in the same regions will not help you gain muscle mass effectively ...

Choose carry out a training program that works your entire body, to address all major muscle groups.

If you want to focus on specific areas of your body, that's fine, but be sure to train your body completely.

It is ridiculous, for example, train the upper limbs and trunk and not simply train the lower limbs. Unfortunately this is a very common habit especially among men ...

The opposite also exists, and it's done by women, or give too much emphasis on the lower limbs and simply forget the upper limbs and trunk ...

You may not like certain regions, all right, but it is inadmissible simply ignore them, pretend they do not exist ...

First, you must train the entire body for health issues and quality of life. You will not want to be a strong old from the waist up, but walking with a cane for having weak legs is not it?

You do not want to be a mother with a beautiful a pair of legs, but almost dies to hold their children in her lap because his arms are thin as a stick ...

So, think about it.

2 - Apply Progressive Overload
I talk about it thoroughly, but I will never get tired of talking whenever I remember.

One of the biggest secrets to the evolution of its results in muscle mass gains is simply to apply the principle of progressive overload.

In short, it means that your training today must be somehow better than the last workout you performed, and there are several ways to do this, for example: increase the burden on exercises whenever possible (but keeping quality of execution), implement effective training methods to enhance the training (drop-set, rest-pause, partial repetitions ...), trying to make a repeat more to overcome the repetition maximum limit you can do with a particular burden on a given year, among other tips ...

Whenever you leave the gym with that feeling that your workout today was better than the last one you ran for the same muscle groups, then you are achieving apply effectively the principle of progressive overload and increasing your chances of having great results in muscular hypertrophy.

However, if every day is the same, nothing changes, and you do the same old things, then forget it, your results will be a failure ...

3 - Prioritize A Good Recovery
Exercise causes micro lesions in the muscle fibers, and the rest provides the reconstruction of damaged muscle fibers micro and always puts a little more in these places through the mechanism called overcompensation.

Without proper recovery, you will not be able to gain muscle mass.

Remember that you spend on average one hour in a gym and 23 hours out of it, so it is crucial that these 23 hours are very thoughtful and harnessed to maximize your muscle recovery.

So have a good nutrition plan, a good quality of sleep, avoid problems and stress, have a healthy lifestyle, do not use alcohol, drugs of any kind, and certainly will have great chances to gain muscle the way you've always wanted!

Saturday 2 April 2016

Want Fast Results In Muscle Gains? Do These 2 Things!

Many people entered the world of bodybuilding and its dream to gain muscle as fast as possible and preferably with minimal effort ...

They think that they need not devote so much and are always looking for a "shortcut" magic formula that provides fast results in the short term and without much effort ...

Already other people want great results, have realized that it takes effort and dedication, however, want to discover things for themselves, avoid as much as possible the investment in sports and think on their own can achieve the desired results ...

You want to know the truth? Neither of these two types of people will get quick results in weight and even the body you want!

The second group may even get some result, however, far below their expectations.

It's funny how many people enter this sport thinking they do not need guidance because I read and see a lot related to strength since training nutrition, as it is funny also see many people willing to invest money in "miracle" products as some supplements, anabolic steroids, or whatever it is, as long as they delivered them fast results!

At one end a group that does not want to invest in the sport and want to be self-taught and at the other end who wants to invest, but on the wrong things and do not want a lot of effort and dedication ...

There are 2 things that will bring excellent results for you:

Study and learn: Yes study and information is very important, however, should be careful with what reading and seeing nothing there, because not everything is synonymous with good information. Also information without practical application is illusion ...
Professional guidance and supervision: You need professional guidance both with the issues related to training and for issues related to nutrition, after all, both the training and nutrition go hand in hand to provide you excellent results. If you are not trained in Physical Education and / or nutrition you are absolutely sure you need these professionals.
Well, with respect to information, is in abundant quantity by internet besides. You can find anything you want on any subject related to weight training, since training, nutrition, steroids, supplementation, motivation and so on ...

But as I said earlier, is that all the information you access is reliable?

What's more, you will spend a good and valuable time to get a great learning experience, sometimes even years ... It's up to it? This can cause mild long time to achieve your desired results.

I'm not saying that should not study, however, it is best to know where to access information and also have appropriate professional guidance (teachers and nutritionists) so you can play and whether in fact is having access to good knowledge.

In all this, you know what are my two recommendations for muscle mass gains fast as you want?


Here's the answer: Invest in a personal trainer and a nutritionist. End!

You may even be thinking, "Oh, I have no money and bla, bla bla!"

I say: I'm sorry but I do not know who's reading this article and its financial condition, but do not have to hide the truth. You want fast results right? This is the way then. Whether you have money or not.

If you do not want to invest either for lack of money or refuse even to invest money with it, you should know that the results are already committed ...

Invest at least a nutritionist and train in a gym where the teacher of the weight room can really give adequate attention.

Today we see the academies investing less and less in these professionals. They put a few teachers for time they can not pay attention to student demand training. There is even gyms that do not will cite names, in which teachers are instructed to NOT correct students! If you want them to hire a personal trainer! So be wary if you do not want to pay a personal trainer and count only the time of the teacher's attention on you train.

A Personal Trainer is the best investment you can do to have efficient training, the practical part of bodybuilding. Why spend hours and hours watching tons of information spread around if you can have access to a professional who knows what works and what does not work and can filter this information to you?

Why waste so much time you have access to a professional who has immediate answers to most questions, curiosities and needs you have?

To be experiencing things that do not know if it will work or not for you, if you could have access to a professional who knows what is best for you ?!

Personal Trainer is a professional who will give you the best results in terms of efficient training and in the shortest time possible! It is exclusively devoted an hour of his time to you!

Your time savings with tons of information is immense and their efforts are channeled into what works for you!

Regarding the nutritionist, this is another huge investment great return for fast results you want ...

A big mistake that many make is to be browsing around the Internet looking for diet tips, how to assemble diets, better combinations of supplements and so on ...

Why keep wasting time on this?

Both a physical education teacher as a personal trainer take at least 4-5 years to learn what they dominate, so do not want to be riding on their own their training and nutritional programs without professional supervision ...

You will lose a huge valuable time, miss more than hit and take more still to achieve their results.

Simply consult with a nutritionist (sports preference) and in a minute fraction already has in his hands all your nutrition plan ready just for your needs, individuals, and goals!


If you came to read this article thinking that I was going to spend a miracle supplement or a technique of instant gains in muscle mass workouts, sorry to disappoint you, it does not exist ...

If you really want to gain fast, efficient and achieve the body you really want, invest in professional support of a trainer and a nutritionist because they have gone through the long path of knowledge and they know what works and what does not work for you.

I do not mean that you should not study and learn more and more about your favorite sport, however, discuss with your advisors the information to filter if they will actually work for you or not, and stop spending your money with sensationalism and deceptions that much to see there! Gaining muscle mass is not an easy process, requires dedication, patience and determination, but with the right support and the right tools your results may be easier and faster to hit.

Your goal is to gain muscle mass? Click here and learn how to do 3 amazing recipes to gain muscle ...

Friday 1 April 2016

Testosterone in Bodybuilding


Testosterone is an anabolic steroid secreted by the testes in men and ovaries in women. Small amounts are also secreted by the adrenal glands.

While both men and women produce testosterone, it is the primary male sex hormone. Men produce on average 40-60% more than women.

Testosterone is a hormone produced naturally by the body, but bodybuilders often complement these amounts with natural or synthetic products, to increase muscle growth.

Bodybuilders and TESTOSTERONE

The goal of bodybuilders is getting big. The more the merrier! And even more when it comes to professional bodybuilders, muscle definition, symmetry and size are key factors in competitions and sponsorship, which makes this very competitive sport. While men naturally produce a good amount of testosterone, there are always limits. It is virtually impossible for a human body to reach the size of bodybuilders bodies like Jay Cutler and Phil Heath without a "chemical contribution."

By adding testosterone bodybuilders increase the amount of hormones available for muscle growth, causing the body range levels beyond the natural limits. This will make them bigger and stronger, providing a competitive advantage.

Just as men, there are many cases of female bodybuilders who also raise testosterone levels in search of a better physique.

Keep in mind that not all bodybuilders apply unnatural levels of testosterone in the body. There are several cases of athletes who reach a level optimal muscle naturally. However, the larger they are, the more likely use.

It is also worth remembering that bodybuilders did not get where they are only raising testosterone levels. These guys give the most of yourself in every workout for decades, do not skip a meal even if deprive them of late nights, drinks and many more things. Do not think that testosterone is a spell that causes the muscles to grow, it is not. To reach the level of professional bodybuilders you have to train for years with a lot of discipline.

testosterone Muscle


Bodybuilders elevate testosterone levels in cycles to minimize side effects. The dosage and duration of the cycle varies depending on the biological individuality of each athlete, and the amount of muscle that he intends to build.


Testosterone affects men and women differently, and there are short and long term effects.

In men, testosterone application causes several problems, including acne, decreased sperm production, gynecomastia, increased bad cholesterol, decrease good cholesterol, high blood pressure, prostate problems, shrinkage problems in the testes and liver.

Women experience some problems similar to those seen in men, such as acne, elevated pressure and kidney problems, but additionally are more pronounced male characteristics such as deepening of the voice, baldness, hair growth on the face and body. Testosterone can also cause loss of breast tissue, enlargement of the clitoris and fertility problems. Many of these effects are irreversible.

Long-term effects include cancer, liver failure, neurological problems, heart disease, problems with weight, and more frequent irritations.


Testosterone actually increases levels of muscle and strength, and it attracts many common and competitors people. However, the side effects make the use is very risky.

The use of unnatural levels of testosterone is not recommended by the blog. If you want to rely on the benefits of testosterone without running the risks that come up, look for natural methods. Of course, the results will not be the same obtained with above average levels, but their health thanks!

In the link below you find an article that shows several ways to increase testosterone levels naturally.

How to increase testosterone levels naturally

And the link below you will find some supplements that also help increase these levels naturally.

Testosterone - Natural Supplementation

Your goal is to gain muscle mass? Click here and learn how to do 3 amazing recipes to gain muscle ...

Tuesday 29 March 2016

11 Drinking Water Benefits Soon After Waking

Water is arguably one of the most important substances for the body of the human nature. The net offers a number of benefits to our body to moisturize, provide energy, bring satiety, contributing to heart health, collaborating with the digestive system and promote cleanliness.

All this because we have not mentioned that its proper use can help prevent arthritis, back pain, angina (chest pain or discomfort), migraines, colitis (inflammation of the large intestine), high blood pressure, and help lower cholesterol .

What we quoted above could be enough to convince anyone to drink water regularly throughout the day, but there is strong evidence that taking the liquid in the morning can be even more beneficial to the body.

The method is called the Japanese Water Therapy, due to the custom that the inhabitants of the country have to take two full glasses of water to agree. And we would not be prudent to allocate only a coincidence that there longevity rate is high, with more than 50,000 people aged 100 or over life.

Listed below you can see a number of other benefits that take water immediately after getting up in the morning offers to our body:

1. Water rehydrates your body dehydrated

No matter the amount of water we consume the night before, our body has used the liquid is dehydrated and when we wake up in the morning need to refuel us.

In this way, your cells receive the water they need so as soon as you woke up, you still have other benefits such as having more energy throughout the morning, feeling more refreshed, and stay healthier and even happier.

Not to mention that if you like a cup of coffee instead of water, your body is already established will be even more dehydrated.

2. Eliminates toxins

Another benefit of drinking water in the morning is to eliminate toxins in the body. When we sleep our body keeps working. He repairs, replenishes our energy and balances hormones. The result of this whole process is the release of these toxins and other waste that need to be removed.

This can be done with the use of water, which will make the body feel good and be able to absorb more nutrients obtained with a balanced breakfast.

3. Accelerates metabolism

Like water quenches the body and has no calories, it already contributes to weight loss. Drinking the liquid in the morning, we will go to the table the most satisfied breakfast and probably will make better food choices and will not eat too much during the day.

But not only that. Taking water so wake up also helps to speed up metabolism. Approximately 500 ml of cold water increases its rate by 24% in the morning.

It works as follows: it works as a kind of alarm for metabolism. Thus, it starts to operate and causes the potential burning of calories during the day is higher.

4. Letting the brain

Our brain is composed by 75% of water. This means that without water it will not work in the best possible way. So, to drink two glasses of water that our Japanese friends have taught us certainly start the day of work or study with a clear mind and we can focus on more in the activities ahead.

5. Relieves constipation

One of the main causes of constipation is dehydration. So while drinking water our body is hydrated, prevents and mitigates the problem, and promote bowel movement and help the body stay in balance.

6. Water is health

At the beginning of the article, we list a number of diseases that water helps fight, besides the fact it part of the culture of a country that has such high rates of longevity. This shows that water is healthy and who cares about being healthy can not fail to keep your body hydrated.

7. It is refreshing

It may seem obvious to say that water is refreshing, but drink it in the morning takes that dryness of the mouth and makes us feel more refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

8. Cleanse the Colon

Take water in the morning with empty stomach also helps to cleanse the colon.

9. stimulates muscle cells and blood

The habit also increases the production of muscle and blood cells.

10. Leaves skin brighter

Who does not like to start the day with a more showy skin and beautiful result? As we said in item 2, the water also helps remove toxins, including those that are present in the blood and so helps the skin to get a cleaner and more beautiful appearance.

11. Balances the lymphatic system

Water balances the lymphatic system, whose glands help the body to perform daily functions, balance body fluids and fight infections.

Other Water Power evidence

If these water power of evidence were not sufficient for you, then wait until you meet some of the history of medical Fereydon Batmanghelidj. He was 17 years in a chain of Iran, as a political prisoner, and during this period continued to practice, treating the other inmates.

The problem is that he had no access to any hospital material or drugs, only water. And it was enough that Fereydon could successfully treat more than 3000 prisoners suffering from peptic ulcers - open sores that develop in the esophagus, stomach and duodenum.

Thus, since it was released from jail, the doctor devoted his career to studying the negative effects that dehydration can cause to a person's body.

How much water should I take a day?

In addition to drinking water in the morning, the recommendation is usually that it takes at least six to eight glasses a day, or between 1 and 1.5 liters daily. However, the exact amount varies from person to person according to factors such as the body, health and level of physical activity that she practices. Many doctors recommend 2 to 3 liters per day to get all the benefits of water.

According to the Japanese method, which should be done is to drink two glasses of water upon waking up, before brushing teeth. Only then, one cleans the mouth and wait 45 minutes to eat or drink anything.

Moreover, after pass 15 minutes from the end of each meal, they do not eat or drink anything for two hours. They can even drink water immediately after they finish feeding, but not after those 15 minutes have already gone.

Who can not take as much water early, begins slowly and increases the amount gradually.
If you find this thing to wait 45 minutes to eat too drastic morning or have no time to wait that long, the wait interval can be shortened to 15 minutes. You can enjoy to take a shower and change clothes, talk to family members and help set the table breakfast during this period.

Finally, it is noteworthy that the issue here is not to put water as a miracle drug, but emphasize that it is a vital component for the functioning of our body as well as your health and well being, and therefore ingest the liquid regularly every day is something that can not be overlooked.

Thursday 24 March 2016

Risks in the use of anabolic steroids: Testosterone

What is testosterone?

Main male sex hormone which is synthesized mainly in the testis Leydig cells, and on the other hand, the peel adrenal and ovarian cancer.

The pituitary gonadotropin LH, luteinizing hormone, is the specific regulatory hormone testosterone production.

In fact, we could say that it is a pro-hormone as to perform its physiological or pharmacological action in some tissues effectors, this should be reduced to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by the enzyme 5 alpha-reductase.

As already mentioned, the synthesis of this substance occurs mainly in the testis and is synthesized from cholesterol oxidative degradation, which depends on the luteizante hormone (adult), together with follicle stimulating hormone (the periods of development).

The androgens testosterone and readily cross cell membrane and bind to specific intracellular receptors. The steroid-receptor complex is activated and is transported to the nucleus and binds DNA at a receptor site, increasing the activity of RNA polymerase and formation of messenger RNAs stimulating the synthesis of cellular proteins responsible for the final action fisiofarmacol?gicas. Skeletal muscle does not have testosterone receptors or DHT by the anabolic effects are not yet sufficiently explained. It has been suggested that androgens in muscle could block the cytosolic glucocorticoid receptors by inhibiting the catabolic action of these agents.


Some of the effects caused by testosterone than those related to the sexual organs are:

1. Increased muscle mass (anabolic)

2. Increases lipolysis.

3. Improves protein synthesis. (For the generation of a positive nitrogen balance)

4. Stimulates eritropoyesis (formation of red blood cells).

5. Increase in the number of contractile proteins which implies an improvement of the contractile capacity of muscle.

6. Increase the levels of phosphocreatine: immediate energy

7. proliferation of the sebaceous glands. The appearance of acne can be related with this effect.
8. thickening of the skin.

9. Hypertrophy of the larynx and producing a permanent record voice.

10. Male hair Distribution: pubis, trunk, extremities and beard. Testosterone has a genetically determined relationship with the appearance of baldness in men.

11. Increase the growth rate of the broad bones at puberty, and increased stature.

12. Closing of the epiphyseal plates and combination of cartilage.

13. aggressive behavior and greater physical and muscle strength in men than in women.

14. The anabolic actions are also evident in other organ systems: liver, kidney, heart, bone marrow, etc.

Use today

Testosterone is an old acquaintance, in gyms mostly.

Thousands of users, most often without a medical check, decide to use this hormone or its derivatives for the anabolic properties of the taking for granted that will be multiple benefits they will get and minimum risk to suffer.

The acceleration of muscle growth, increased bone maturation, improved recoverability between sessions are some of the main reasons that lead to these users to use this type of supplementation without being aware of the many problems that the use of the same can be derived .

In gyms is openly admits only the use of vitamin compounds, natural medicinal substances and including testosterone precursors that supposedly stimulate the production of this hormone in the body (are now called "natural bodybuilders", using products like WPR10, WPP11, GP01 , RF TEST 05. that as has been said, the only thing they do is to increase the activity of our own testosterone without introducing more amount in our body).

After all, everyone knows that inadvertently also use hormonal anabolic unchecked, fomented by various specialty stores and even over the Internet through a few pages even offer pure testosterone in 48 hours.

When a bodybuilder or user enters in your body by hormonal anabolic first observed remarkable progress since it briefly the body is with a surplus of this substance. However, after a while of use, they cease to act the same way, mainly due to the remoteness of production of own endogenous hormones, which disappear once the regulation to decreases in androgen receptors.

From there to follow experiencing improvements will be forced to continually raise the exogenous administration of hormones, with the risk that this dynamic entails.

Also, you have to emphasize the fact that each hormone is interlinked with others and an increase or decrease in their levels always affects the overall balance. When a hormone increases its presence in the body naturally, this in turn activates certain mechanisms that regulate and balance the other factors involved. Otherwise, when the increase is exogenously this escapes their control and can not in any way to adjust and balance the other related parameters.

The testosterone used in gyms clandestinely almost never found in pure form, as is almost always mixed with other components. The purpose of these components called esters, is to prevent a sudden increase in the level of this hormone in the body, to allow testosterone esters is absorbed by time lapses and no sudden avoiding the aforementioned exogenous surplus.

We find in the market various forms of testosterone propionate testosterone, Enanthate, Sustanon ... .. Ranging in system speed range, holding that the faster one acts testosterone, larger effects experience. The goal is to find a testosterone not strike fast system because it is rapidly converted to estrogen, and does not act as a long-term serious that difficult to control.

Anabolic steroids are taken orally or inject and athletes seeking to take them into weeks or months cycles, but continuously and in so-called cyclical usage patterns. This involves taking multiple doses of steroids over a given period, rest a while, and start again.

The combination of different classes of steroids by users is a common practice that aims to maximize its effectiveness and at the same time minimizing its adverse effects. This process is known as stacking ( "stacking").

For a novice using testosterone may be consumed 500 mg per week.

A cycle example for testosterone enanthate would be:

Querying multiple magazines and web pages, we can see how there are multiple sites in that it promotes the use of said substance through careful studies that combine to perfection use dose, rest periods, inhibiting substances effects, more suitable types ... in Ultimately, we see how the use of anabolic steroids has become a business "illegal" that takes advantage of people without the proper knowledge and puts them on a path full of future problems for your health.

At present some statistics even say that 65% of elite athletes use them attached to products that hide the relevant evidence of doping.

Risks of its use and its derivatives

Like all hormones, testosterone in the body should be catabolized. It will be due to the process of cannibalization that the user body undergoes certain changes in its internal balance.

Two main forms of cannibalization has testosterone:

1. Aromatization: converts testosterone to estradiol and its metabolites (estrogen: female sex hormone).
2. Reduction: conversion to dihydrotestosterone DHT, already mentioned.
Usually, by increasing our testosterone levels well in pure form or derivatives, we are increasing our cannibalization rates and as a consequence, the increase of its products (estradiol and DHT).

The increased estrogen concentration involves:

- Awakening of female recipients in men who should not turn up. (Grows breasts, gynecomastia, irreversible in most cases).
- Increases water retention: edema formation. As a consequence, increases the intra and extracapillary volume (increased plasma volume) with the consequent increase in blood pressure that can trigger in a heart failure.

The increase in DHT involves:

- Change up the DHT receptors in the hair follicles and the prostate that will be used to: alopecia (the user is bald) and possible prostate cancers (for cellular apoptosis).

- The liver produces cholestasis (blockage of the bile ducts).

Other effects from the consumption of anabolic steroids are:

- In people who are not physically mature may cause premature closure of the epiphysis of the large bones, so the final height can be reduced.

- Suppress the secretion of gonadotropic hormones that control development and function of the gonads (testes and ovaries). In males, the gonadotropin reduction can produce testicular atrophy, reduction of testosterone secretion and fewer sperm

- In women gonadotropins are required for ovulation and the secretion of estrogen, so a reduction of these hormones disrupts these processes and menstruation

- Also in women can produce masculinization, regression of the breasts, enlargement of the clitoris, the voice to deepen and facial hair growth.

- Total Cholesterol tends to increase. While HDL cholesterol shows a marked reduction, well below the normal line LDL cholesterol shows a variable response: a rapid increase or no change.

- Affectation of the immune system, which derives in reducing the effectiveness of the defense system.

- The use of steroids decreases glucose tolerance, whereas there is an increase in insulin resistance. These changes mimic Type II diabetes.

- Personality changes, aggressive behavior and euphoria

- Other side effects of AE are euphoria, confusion, sleep disorders, pathological anxiety, paranoia and hallucinations.



Leaving to one side the elite sport in which athletes are greatly pressed against the achievement of victory (yet without being justified), I consider that the true insistence we must do is the usual user "street" without any control ( or the unfit control) decides if the use of these substances in order to improve their physical appearance in a quick way and going over any healthy recommendation.

As already has been said there are multiple economic interests that some of the companies dedicated to this world have in this market, which sometimes leads them to cross the line of social ethics urging people to use products in quantities nothing commendable and without any medical supervision.
So basically I think that at least, if the user decides to "get into something" to do considering what to have since most of the time tell you the miraculous benefits, but never the countless future problems.

Hence, simply say that what quickly can, quickly will that leave us interested in the substance "miracle" and to trust more in the appropriate professional sport and health (fisios, doctors ...) that through their advice and our firm succeed in our desired results although perhaps come later will be more rewarding.

Sunday 20 March 2016

Man and andropause

Man and Andropause

What is it?

In recent years he began using the term andropause to capture the changes that begin to affect the man starting from 50 years.

Andropause is a syndrome which means it is a very different set of symptoms. Really it is considered a part of male development and disease.

Only recently begun to give the importance they deserve the physiological changes associated with andropause studies and in depth were initiated on the subject.

Andropause is not as abrupt as menopause. It is a slow and gradual process that has to do with the gradual decline in the level of androgens (male sex hormones), which affects all organic processes. Andropause is also known as Adam's syndrome (androgen deficiency of the aging male - androgen deficiency in older men).

In contrast to the situation where the menopause in women marks the end of the fertile period the fertility in men persists despite age.

After 60 detected significant decrease in testosterone levels in the blood. Other androgenic hormones also decrease, but the best indicator of andropause testosterone appears to be.

In late adolescence, boys are usually with higher levels of testosterone between 800 and 1,200 nanograms per deciliter (ng / dl) of blood.

These levels are maintained for about 10 to 20 years, after which it will begin to decline at a rate of about 1% per year for the absolute level of testosterone and 1.2% per annum for the level of free testosterone (the term that explained above), reaching the age between 80-85 years mean testosterone levels by about 60% the levels observed 25 years of age.

However, these levels are so different between individuals that can not be taken more than a statistical average. Therefore, some men 80 years may have testosterone levels that are found within the normal range for young adults.

The absolute level of free testosterone in the blood of a man is the potential for the hormone to act in his body.

Most of testosterone in the blood is linked with protein and only 2% is available for absorption by body cells (free testosterone).

The most important protein that binds to testosterone binding agent called globulin sex hormone (Fri Hormone Binding Globulin, or SHBG), a protein whose levels increase with age.

This more SHBG in the blood testosterone less available to act on their cells. Factors influencing testosterone levels in the mature adult are many.

While some authors refer to age as the most important factor in hormonal changes, there is also evidence that the anthropometric measurements (weight, length, skin) and lifestyle play a role in these changes. Stress and diseases accelerate the decline of the function of Leydig cells (testosterone production).
