Monday, 14 March 2016

Testosterone - Side Effects of Use To Gain Muscle Mass

Testosterone is an important hormone in the regulation of various bodily functions, especially in the male body. One of the most recognized functions of testosterone is to promote muscle growth, so that many bodybuilders make use of synthetic forms of the hormone to boost their earnings.

This practice, however, is extremely dangerous. too high testosterone levels can cause severe side effects and increase the risk of a number of diseases. In addition, hormonal imbalance can cause irregularities in the endocrine system, causing atrophic glands - particularly the testes.

Check out 12 general side effects of testosterone use to gain muscle mass, in addition to specific side effects for men, women and adolescents.

1. Tremors
One of the most common effects perceived by those who use artificial testosterone to gain muscle are muscle tremors. This is an effect which can vary in intensity and may be extremely uncomfortable.

2. Acne
The development of acne is a direct consequence of high levels of testosterone. The male puberty makes this clear relationship and acne outbreaks that some bodybuilding beginners suffer because of the small increase in testosterone levels. In the case of high doses of testosterone artificial, Acne can manifest intensely.

3. Hydro Retention
Fluid retention has a significant increase in people who use testosterone to gain muscle mass. This effect brings health risks with regard to blood pressure, but also is aesthetically undesirable. Who seeks a defined body frustrate because the swelling is extremely difficult to overcome.

4. Pain and Injury in Joints
The muscle development caused by high doses of artificial testosterone is absolutely irregular. The muscle, in fact, can develop rapidly, but the structures that are associated with them follow their normal pace of development. This is especially severe in the case of joints which start to suffer with the new loads the muscles are able to support: the results are frequent pain, and possibly serious injury.

5. Hypertension
Scientific studies reveal that blood pressure of men who have testosterone replacement (ie, men who actually need the artificial hormone) rises considerably. In men who already have normal testosterone levels and use the artificial hormone to gain muscle mass, the effect is even more intense.

6. Cholesterol
The only positive side effect that can be mentioned with respect to cholesterol levels. It is observed that the artificial testosterone supplementation in elderly causes a cholesterol dimini??o "bad" (LDL) cholesterol and an increase in the "good" cholesterol (HDL). What is the use to gain muscle mass, however, is unknown, so that even this factor there is some risk.

7. Cardiac Arrhythmia
Cardiac arrhythmia is caused by a harmful effect of high levels of testosterone on the heart. It is observed an irregular growing fibers, which causes a disproportionate increase in the left ventricle, so that heartbeats are deregulated.

Negative factors of supplemental testosterone on blood pressure and the heart make it clear that there is a significant increase in the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases in general.

8. Headaches
Headaches are also common among testosterone users to gain muscle mass. The intensity varies but the risk of developing severe migraines.

9. tumors
The risk of tumors in the liver is scientifically associated with testosterone supplementation. This is a dangerous disease, the development of which may be irreversible: the observed cases, not always the tumor regressed after discontinuation of testosterone.

10. Baldness
Dermatological effects of testosterone use to gain muscle mass, often visible in the form of acne, often also point to the development of baldness. This is just another potentially undesirable aesthetic effect that frustrates those looking reshape the body by testosterone.

11. Sleep Disorders
Since testosterone production and consumption cycle relate strongly to regular sleep, the use of testosterone to gain muscle mass can also cause problems in this regard. Insomnia is frequemente observed, as well as sleep apnea.

12. Mood Changes
Testosterone is associated with aggressive and irritable behavior patterns, so that an overload of this hormone can have serious consequences for patterns of humor. For those who lead a stressful life, irritability can become absolutely intolerable.


Specific Side Effects in the Male Body

Side effects of testosterone use to man are severe. This hormone is extremely important in the regulation of the male body so that their levels change dramatically causes a strong imbalance.

Firstly, the high testosterone levels will cause the testicles (glands responsible for the production of this hormone) start to work less. The result in the long term is the same atrophy, ie its reduction and progressive deterioration.

At the same time, man can become sexually impotent, developing severe cases of erectile dysfunction. Furthermore, the decreased amount of sperm becomes increasingly less man fertile.

Hormonal imbalance also encourages the uneven development of the prostate - increasing the chances of cancer in this region, so as to put human life at risk.

The aesthetic effects are also important. Since many men use artificial testosterone to increase their muscles, many are disappointed with the unwanted breast development caused by hormonal imbalance.

Specific Side Effects on the Female Body

Side effects are less severe in the female body, however. Since testosterone levels are normally low in the female body, high levels caused by supplementation easily cause undesirable effects.

The most common effects and popularly known are related to the development of body characteristics typically male: hair growth in typically male distribution, change in voice (which becomes hoarse and especially more severe), among other body details that are potentially unwanted from an aesthetic point of view.

The female body typical characteristics are also affected: if the men is breast development in women testosterone overload leads to its atrophy. Furthermore, there is an excessive development of the clitoris.

The female body, however, it is attacked with respect to the endocrine system in general. The menstrual cycle, important and totally regulated by hormones becomes completely unregulated and often simply cease to exist. The reproductive and sexual functions of the female body are therefore seriously threatened.

Specific Side Effects Body Teen

The effects of the additional load of testosterone even leave marks when the use is made in adolescence. Since hormones play a central role in the body's maturing, imbalance often causes absolutely irreversible consequences.

The development process is affected in two main ways. Firstly, may occur early skeletal maturation, so as to interrupt the intense growth which normally occurs in this stage of life. The result is a low height, extremely difficult to change.

Furthermore, the process of puberty can generally accelerate so far. This does not mean, however, that the development only occurs faster: it gives irregular and discontinuous mode, causing an extremely dangerous misshapen growth.


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