Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Because Healthy Eating Tips They change much?

Those who like to always be in good shape certainly seeks to be well informed on the latest research on healthy eating and fitness world, to be able to take ownership of the tips that these studies indicate. However, it is true that from time to time emerge works that contradict others, which ends up leaving many in doubt about which one is actually correct and should be followed.

For example, if one day was the largest fat villain of good shape, it is now no longer seen as negative, and so the consumption of healthy fats is recommended. There is also the case of chocolate, delicacy in some cases hinders maintain ideal weight and other is good for health, as with the bitter chocolate.
Somewhat confusing, no? Especially when we take into account that not everyone has deep knowledge about nutrition and physical science and not have anything to analyze and compare the studies that arise regarding these issues.

But why does this happen? Why are there research on the same subject that indicate different results? One explanation is that no study is considered in isolation. A work provides conclusions and evidence for an entire field of research and can serve as a basis for the development of new studies.
In turn, these new research can bring results demonstrate that something already achieved in previous work was actually not correct. And that's how come the new findings.

Nutrition is a younger field of study than others

As the power is inherent to human life since the world began, not so long ago that nutrition began to be studied more deeply by scientists. Research in this area began to be held at the end of the nineteenth century, about 160 years.

In view of all the variety of foods that exist on Earth, you can understand that this time is very short so that scientists can reach more concrete conclusions on the subject. To hit the hammer on a clue, it is necessary that there are many studies with various evidences that point to this concept.

It's not as simple as developing a research in the field of nutrition

That's because when a study of any kind is done, researchers can not take into account only food that has been evaluated. They have in mind that a result obtained may have had something to do exclusively with the studied food, as can not, given that food is not the only factor that influences the weight, metabolism and well-being.

It is precisely why when looking at a study is necessary to understand that there is a difference between correlation - which indicates that there is a relationship between a fact and a result, if the consumption of food and weight loss, for example - and the cause - which means that something has been fully responsible for certain result, as stating that certain food is the reason why a person lost or gained weight, for example.

Certain headlines sensationalize or minimize studies
When reading a report on scientific research related to food and fitness you need to consider two aspects of the world of the media. The first is that newspapers, magazines, radio and television programs want the consumption of readers, listeners, viewers and Internet users and, therefore, may end up using sensationalized and exaggerated headlines about particular study only to get attention and win the consumer .

And if someone just read, hear or see quickly the call of matter runs the risk of not understanding much of such research it is and to just have exaggerated message that the title of the report passed.
Another problem is the lack of time to produce the news and space to explain the context in greater depth some media have. Thus, the reader / surfer / listener / viewer is not likely to understand broadly than it really is the addressed research and draw conclusions on the subject.

Also, something that can be overlooked in a report is the fact that every person who consumes this news has peculiarities: genetics, health problems, eating habits, among others. Thus, what may happen is the communication medium pass as a result of a search rule to all persons, each body may behave differently in relation to a diet or training, for example.

Good research are expensive and who sponsors research usually has something to gain from it
Do not believe everything you hear, see or read. A survey stating that soda can do good for your health? A little strange, no? Try to see if you can identify who paid the costs of the study. If you find that it was a soft drinks manufacturer, is good suspect that maybe this job is not worth as much credibility as well.

What should I pay attention to me across to the study?
Thinking of everything discussed so far, can you conclude that it is not a very wise move blindly rely on a study says. However, this also does not mean you should ignore all the research that arise and have them as suspicious. Just pay attention to some aspects before you believe what she says:

Who paid for the research?
As mentioned above, it is important to pay attention to the organs that have borne the costs of the research. While companies may have business interests behind, universities, government agencies (in Brazil one is the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel [Capes]) or serious philanthropic entities (such as the American Heart Association, for example) not represent this risk.

The results are consistent with other previous research?
If a research present a very different outcome than their field of study has already determined in previous work, it is good to be cautious and wait a while before having it as truth.

This is because a good research comes from the knowledge already established in your area and should be further research to support what the scientist says. This is not to say that what has been set in the past can not be changed but that there must be the basis for a scientific area around its object of study.

So, to make sure that the research in question shows is really true, it is worth waiting for other studies related to the same subject appear, either confirming or denying what was said.

To what source the study was released?
Do not believe everything you think so. Be sure to check the reliability of the source you found. Sources of government agencies, universities and non-profit entities with good reputation are the most reliable.

In the case of a spread news in the media, be aware that the matter discloses where the research was conducted or where the information was taken. And be wary of the headlines that appear to be too simple - a scientific study is usually something more complex - or too sensationalized, presenting the results of research as something almost miraculous or too good to be true.

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