Wednesday, 6 April 2016

How to Build Forearm Monsters

It's time to enhance your forearms. Explode these lower arms with this battery of exercises and techniques!

Strengthening and building their forearms is not just about aesthetics, but strengthening the forearms can also help improve your power grip in a series of exercises.

Build forearms monsters, however, it is a bit more complicated than a few sets and reps. How legs, lower arms require a different approach to training. Unless you have a genetic predisposition to big forearms.

The muscle groups in your lower arms on top of his forearm near his elbow, and the group of smaller muscles in the upper part of your arm close to your wrist, collectively known as the wrist extensors and the muscles at the bottom known as the wrist flexors, have a higher degree of slow-twitch muscle fibers than most large skeletal muscle groups.

Besides the fact that these muscles are very small and therefore have limited potential for growth, its higher composition of slow-twitch fibers particularly makes a stubborn muscle to grow.

The forearm and hand muscles can be quite resistant to fatigue, which suggests more attention to adapt.

Training the Forearm

The specific forearm training to get fully on muscle fatigue is to ensure that work throughout the range of motion.

To work the muscle properly you should fully extend the wrist joint causing minor forearm muscles work actively through its entire range of motion. This means making waves with the wrist flexors to direct and reverse these pulse waves to target the extensors.

No need to make complicated movements for flexors and extensors, you just have to know what the pulse is being flexed. I normally do this move in a bank or some kind of support.

Another exercise to build even stronger forearms is a movement where you can use a dumbbell and let it roll out on your fingers [in the extension phase]. This allows me to work his fist and work hand muscles. "

  • The smallest details to have a Forearm Monstrous
  • When it comes to training forearms straight, you have three recommendations:
  • Perform higher repetitions: 10-20, with an average of 15 per series.
  • Rest less between sets: just long enough to allow the burning of the muscle decreases.
  • Do not stop training forearms on your training program.



I strongly suggest you explore very well the muscle fibers of slow contraction of your forearm, you can also train more often forearms up to three times a week.

Try multiple combinations of sets and reps with a high-intensity training, to see what is actually more effective for you.

Your goal is to gain muscle mass? Click here and learn how to do 3 amazing recipes to gain muscle ...

Monday, 4 April 2016

3 Goals To Achieve In Programs to Gain Muscle Mass

Anyone can enroll in a gym right now and start training to gain muscle mass. However, gain muscle is far beyond than simply lifting weights anyway. There is a science behind muscle hypertrophy and the search for knowledge must be constant for you. Next, I quote three goals you should achieve in their programs with aims to gain muscle mass. Check it!


3 Goals To Achieve In Programs to Gain Muscle Mass

Create an effective training program requires more than just gather a bunch of exercises ...

You need to understand the science behind muscle hypertrophy, how things work "behind the scenes" than simply going out "taking weights" "crazy" ...

A good recommendation is to achieve the three objectives that highlight below:

1 - The Train Full Length
It is easier you want to focus more on specific areas of your body. Maybe you're trying to increase your chest and arms ...

This can be a good goal, but focus strongly in the same regions will not help you gain muscle mass effectively ...

Choose carry out a training program that works your entire body, to address all major muscle groups.

If you want to focus on specific areas of your body, that's fine, but be sure to train your body completely.

It is ridiculous, for example, train the upper limbs and trunk and not simply train the lower limbs. Unfortunately this is a very common habit especially among men ...

The opposite also exists, and it's done by women, or give too much emphasis on the lower limbs and simply forget the upper limbs and trunk ...

You may not like certain regions, all right, but it is inadmissible simply ignore them, pretend they do not exist ...

First, you must train the entire body for health issues and quality of life. You will not want to be a strong old from the waist up, but walking with a cane for having weak legs is not it?

You do not want to be a mother with a beautiful a pair of legs, but almost dies to hold their children in her lap because his arms are thin as a stick ...

So, think about it.

2 - Apply Progressive Overload
I talk about it thoroughly, but I will never get tired of talking whenever I remember.

One of the biggest secrets to the evolution of its results in muscle mass gains is simply to apply the principle of progressive overload.

In short, it means that your training today must be somehow better than the last workout you performed, and there are several ways to do this, for example: increase the burden on exercises whenever possible (but keeping quality of execution), implement effective training methods to enhance the training (drop-set, rest-pause, partial repetitions ...), trying to make a repeat more to overcome the repetition maximum limit you can do with a particular burden on a given year, among other tips ...

Whenever you leave the gym with that feeling that your workout today was better than the last one you ran for the same muscle groups, then you are achieving apply effectively the principle of progressive overload and increasing your chances of having great results in muscular hypertrophy.

However, if every day is the same, nothing changes, and you do the same old things, then forget it, your results will be a failure ...

3 - Prioritize A Good Recovery
Exercise causes micro lesions in the muscle fibers, and the rest provides the reconstruction of damaged muscle fibers micro and always puts a little more in these places through the mechanism called overcompensation.

Without proper recovery, you will not be able to gain muscle mass.

Remember that you spend on average one hour in a gym and 23 hours out of it, so it is crucial that these 23 hours are very thoughtful and harnessed to maximize your muscle recovery.

So have a good nutrition plan, a good quality of sleep, avoid problems and stress, have a healthy lifestyle, do not use alcohol, drugs of any kind, and certainly will have great chances to gain muscle the way you've always wanted!

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Want Fast Results In Muscle Gains? Do These 2 Things!

Many people entered the world of bodybuilding and its dream to gain muscle as fast as possible and preferably with minimal effort ...

They think that they need not devote so much and are always looking for a "shortcut" magic formula that provides fast results in the short term and without much effort ...

Already other people want great results, have realized that it takes effort and dedication, however, want to discover things for themselves, avoid as much as possible the investment in sports and think on their own can achieve the desired results ...

You want to know the truth? Neither of these two types of people will get quick results in weight and even the body you want!

The second group may even get some result, however, far below their expectations.

It's funny how many people enter this sport thinking they do not need guidance because I read and see a lot related to strength since training nutrition, as it is funny also see many people willing to invest money in "miracle" products as some supplements, anabolic steroids, or whatever it is, as long as they delivered them fast results!

At one end a group that does not want to invest in the sport and want to be self-taught and at the other end who wants to invest, but on the wrong things and do not want a lot of effort and dedication ...

There are 2 things that will bring excellent results for you:

Study and learn: Yes study and information is very important, however, should be careful with what reading and seeing nothing there, because not everything is synonymous with good information. Also information without practical application is illusion ...
Professional guidance and supervision: You need professional guidance both with the issues related to training and for issues related to nutrition, after all, both the training and nutrition go hand in hand to provide you excellent results. If you are not trained in Physical Education and / or nutrition you are absolutely sure you need these professionals.
Well, with respect to information, is in abundant quantity by internet besides. You can find anything you want on any subject related to weight training, since training, nutrition, steroids, supplementation, motivation and so on ...

But as I said earlier, is that all the information you access is reliable?

What's more, you will spend a good and valuable time to get a great learning experience, sometimes even years ... It's up to it? This can cause mild long time to achieve your desired results.

I'm not saying that should not study, however, it is best to know where to access information and also have appropriate professional guidance (teachers and nutritionists) so you can play and whether in fact is having access to good knowledge.

In all this, you know what are my two recommendations for muscle mass gains fast as you want?


Here's the answer: Invest in a personal trainer and a nutritionist. End!

You may even be thinking, "Oh, I have no money and bla, bla bla!"

I say: I'm sorry but I do not know who's reading this article and its financial condition, but do not have to hide the truth. You want fast results right? This is the way then. Whether you have money or not.

If you do not want to invest either for lack of money or refuse even to invest money with it, you should know that the results are already committed ...

Invest at least a nutritionist and train in a gym where the teacher of the weight room can really give adequate attention.

Today we see the academies investing less and less in these professionals. They put a few teachers for time they can not pay attention to student demand training. There is even gyms that do not will cite names, in which teachers are instructed to NOT correct students! If you want them to hire a personal trainer! So be wary if you do not want to pay a personal trainer and count only the time of the teacher's attention on you train.

A Personal Trainer is the best investment you can do to have efficient training, the practical part of bodybuilding. Why spend hours and hours watching tons of information spread around if you can have access to a professional who knows what works and what does not work and can filter this information to you?

Why waste so much time you have access to a professional who has immediate answers to most questions, curiosities and needs you have?

To be experiencing things that do not know if it will work or not for you, if you could have access to a professional who knows what is best for you ?!

Personal Trainer is a professional who will give you the best results in terms of efficient training and in the shortest time possible! It is exclusively devoted an hour of his time to you!

Your time savings with tons of information is immense and their efforts are channeled into what works for you!

Regarding the nutritionist, this is another huge investment great return for fast results you want ...

A big mistake that many make is to be browsing around the Internet looking for diet tips, how to assemble diets, better combinations of supplements and so on ...

Why keep wasting time on this?

Both a physical education teacher as a personal trainer take at least 4-5 years to learn what they dominate, so do not want to be riding on their own their training and nutritional programs without professional supervision ...

You will lose a huge valuable time, miss more than hit and take more still to achieve their results.

Simply consult with a nutritionist (sports preference) and in a minute fraction already has in his hands all your nutrition plan ready just for your needs, individuals, and goals!


If you came to read this article thinking that I was going to spend a miracle supplement or a technique of instant gains in muscle mass workouts, sorry to disappoint you, it does not exist ...

If you really want to gain fast, efficient and achieve the body you really want, invest in professional support of a trainer and a nutritionist because they have gone through the long path of knowledge and they know what works and what does not work for you.

I do not mean that you should not study and learn more and more about your favorite sport, however, discuss with your advisors the information to filter if they will actually work for you or not, and stop spending your money with sensationalism and deceptions that much to see there! Gaining muscle mass is not an easy process, requires dedication, patience and determination, but with the right support and the right tools your results may be easier and faster to hit.

Your goal is to gain muscle mass? Click here and learn how to do 3 amazing recipes to gain muscle ...

Friday, 1 April 2016

Testosterone in Bodybuilding


Testosterone is an anabolic steroid secreted by the testes in men and ovaries in women. Small amounts are also secreted by the adrenal glands.

While both men and women produce testosterone, it is the primary male sex hormone. Men produce on average 40-60% more than women.

Testosterone is a hormone produced naturally by the body, but bodybuilders often complement these amounts with natural or synthetic products, to increase muscle growth.

Bodybuilders and TESTOSTERONE

The goal of bodybuilders is getting big. The more the merrier! And even more when it comes to professional bodybuilders, muscle definition, symmetry and size are key factors in competitions and sponsorship, which makes this very competitive sport. While men naturally produce a good amount of testosterone, there are always limits. It is virtually impossible for a human body to reach the size of bodybuilders bodies like Jay Cutler and Phil Heath without a "chemical contribution."

By adding testosterone bodybuilders increase the amount of hormones available for muscle growth, causing the body range levels beyond the natural limits. This will make them bigger and stronger, providing a competitive advantage.

Just as men, there are many cases of female bodybuilders who also raise testosterone levels in search of a better physique.

Keep in mind that not all bodybuilders apply unnatural levels of testosterone in the body. There are several cases of athletes who reach a level optimal muscle naturally. However, the larger they are, the more likely use.

It is also worth remembering that bodybuilders did not get where they are only raising testosterone levels. These guys give the most of yourself in every workout for decades, do not skip a meal even if deprive them of late nights, drinks and many more things. Do not think that testosterone is a spell that causes the muscles to grow, it is not. To reach the level of professional bodybuilders you have to train for years with a lot of discipline.

testosterone Muscle


Bodybuilders elevate testosterone levels in cycles to minimize side effects. The dosage and duration of the cycle varies depending on the biological individuality of each athlete, and the amount of muscle that he intends to build.


Testosterone affects men and women differently, and there are short and long term effects.

In men, testosterone application causes several problems, including acne, decreased sperm production, gynecomastia, increased bad cholesterol, decrease good cholesterol, high blood pressure, prostate problems, shrinkage problems in the testes and liver.

Women experience some problems similar to those seen in men, such as acne, elevated pressure and kidney problems, but additionally are more pronounced male characteristics such as deepening of the voice, baldness, hair growth on the face and body. Testosterone can also cause loss of breast tissue, enlargement of the clitoris and fertility problems. Many of these effects are irreversible.

Long-term effects include cancer, liver failure, neurological problems, heart disease, problems with weight, and more frequent irritations.


Testosterone actually increases levels of muscle and strength, and it attracts many common and competitors people. However, the side effects make the use is very risky.

The use of unnatural levels of testosterone is not recommended by the blog. If you want to rely on the benefits of testosterone without running the risks that come up, look for natural methods. Of course, the results will not be the same obtained with above average levels, but their health thanks!

In the link below you find an article that shows several ways to increase testosterone levels naturally.

How to increase testosterone levels naturally

And the link below you will find some supplements that also help increase these levels naturally.

Testosterone - Natural Supplementation

Your goal is to gain muscle mass? Click here and learn how to do 3 amazing recipes to gain muscle ...