Tuesday, 29 March 2016

11 Drinking Water Benefits Soon After Waking

Water is arguably one of the most important substances for the body of the human nature. The net offers a number of benefits to our body to moisturize, provide energy, bring satiety, contributing to heart health, collaborating with the digestive system and promote cleanliness.

All this because we have not mentioned that its proper use can help prevent arthritis, back pain, angina (chest pain or discomfort), migraines, colitis (inflammation of the large intestine), high blood pressure, and help lower cholesterol .

What we quoted above could be enough to convince anyone to drink water regularly throughout the day, but there is strong evidence that taking the liquid in the morning can be even more beneficial to the body.

The method is called the Japanese Water Therapy, due to the custom that the inhabitants of the country have to take two full glasses of water to agree. And we would not be prudent to allocate only a coincidence that there longevity rate is high, with more than 50,000 people aged 100 or over life.

Listed below you can see a number of other benefits that take water immediately after getting up in the morning offers to our body:

1. Water rehydrates your body dehydrated

No matter the amount of water we consume the night before, our body has used the liquid is dehydrated and when we wake up in the morning need to refuel us.

In this way, your cells receive the water they need so as soon as you woke up, you still have other benefits such as having more energy throughout the morning, feeling more refreshed, and stay healthier and even happier.

Not to mention that if you like a cup of coffee instead of water, your body is already established will be even more dehydrated.

2. Eliminates toxins

Another benefit of drinking water in the morning is to eliminate toxins in the body. When we sleep our body keeps working. He repairs, replenishes our energy and balances hormones. The result of this whole process is the release of these toxins and other waste that need to be removed.

This can be done with the use of water, which will make the body feel good and be able to absorb more nutrients obtained with a balanced breakfast.

3. Accelerates metabolism

Like water quenches the body and has no calories, it already contributes to weight loss. Drinking the liquid in the morning, we will go to the table the most satisfied breakfast and probably will make better food choices and will not eat too much during the day.

But not only that. Taking water so wake up also helps to speed up metabolism. Approximately 500 ml of cold water increases its rate by 24% in the morning.

It works as follows: it works as a kind of alarm for metabolism. Thus, it starts to operate and causes the potential burning of calories during the day is higher.

4. Letting the brain

Our brain is composed by 75% of water. This means that without water it will not work in the best possible way. So, to drink two glasses of water that our Japanese friends have taught us certainly start the day of work or study with a clear mind and we can focus on more in the activities ahead.

5. Relieves constipation

One of the main causes of constipation is dehydration. So while drinking water our body is hydrated, prevents and mitigates the problem, and promote bowel movement and help the body stay in balance.

6. Water is health

At the beginning of the article, we list a number of diseases that water helps fight, besides the fact it part of the culture of a country that has such high rates of longevity. This shows that water is healthy and who cares about being healthy can not fail to keep your body hydrated.

7. It is refreshing

It may seem obvious to say that water is refreshing, but drink it in the morning takes that dryness of the mouth and makes us feel more refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

8. Cleanse the Colon

Take water in the morning with empty stomach also helps to cleanse the colon.

9. stimulates muscle cells and blood

The habit also increases the production of muscle and blood cells.

10. Leaves skin brighter

Who does not like to start the day with a more showy skin and beautiful result? As we said in item 2, the water also helps remove toxins, including those that are present in the blood and so helps the skin to get a cleaner and more beautiful appearance.

11. Balances the lymphatic system

Water balances the lymphatic system, whose glands help the body to perform daily functions, balance body fluids and fight infections.

Other Water Power evidence

If these water power of evidence were not sufficient for you, then wait until you meet some of the history of medical Fereydon Batmanghelidj. He was 17 years in a chain of Iran, as a political prisoner, and during this period continued to practice, treating the other inmates.

The problem is that he had no access to any hospital material or drugs, only water. And it was enough that Fereydon could successfully treat more than 3000 prisoners suffering from peptic ulcers - open sores that develop in the esophagus, stomach and duodenum.

Thus, since it was released from jail, the doctor devoted his career to studying the negative effects that dehydration can cause to a person's body.

How much water should I take a day?

In addition to drinking water in the morning, the recommendation is usually that it takes at least six to eight glasses a day, or between 1 and 1.5 liters daily. However, the exact amount varies from person to person according to factors such as the body, health and level of physical activity that she practices. Many doctors recommend 2 to 3 liters per day to get all the benefits of water.

According to the Japanese method, which should be done is to drink two glasses of water upon waking up, before brushing teeth. Only then, one cleans the mouth and wait 45 minutes to eat or drink anything.

Moreover, after pass 15 minutes from the end of each meal, they do not eat or drink anything for two hours. They can even drink water immediately after they finish feeding, but not after those 15 minutes have already gone.

Who can not take as much water early, begins slowly and increases the amount gradually.
If you find this thing to wait 45 minutes to eat too drastic morning or have no time to wait that long, the wait interval can be shortened to 15 minutes. You can enjoy to take a shower and change clothes, talk to family members and help set the table breakfast during this period.

Finally, it is noteworthy that the issue here is not to put water as a miracle drug, but emphasize that it is a vital component for the functioning of our body as well as your health and well being, and therefore ingest the liquid regularly every day is something that can not be overlooked.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Risks in the use of anabolic steroids: Testosterone

What is testosterone?

Main male sex hormone which is synthesized mainly in the testis Leydig cells, and on the other hand, the peel adrenal and ovarian cancer.

The pituitary gonadotropin LH, luteinizing hormone, is the specific regulatory hormone testosterone production.

In fact, we could say that it is a pro-hormone as to perform its physiological or pharmacological action in some tissues effectors, this should be reduced to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by the enzyme 5 alpha-reductase.

As already mentioned, the synthesis of this substance occurs mainly in the testis and is synthesized from cholesterol oxidative degradation, which depends on the luteizante hormone (adult), together with follicle stimulating hormone (the periods of development).

The androgens testosterone and readily cross cell membrane and bind to specific intracellular receptors. The steroid-receptor complex is activated and is transported to the nucleus and binds DNA at a receptor site, increasing the activity of RNA polymerase and formation of messenger RNAs stimulating the synthesis of cellular proteins responsible for the final action fisiofarmacol?gicas. Skeletal muscle does not have testosterone receptors or DHT by the anabolic effects are not yet sufficiently explained. It has been suggested that androgens in muscle could block the cytosolic glucocorticoid receptors by inhibiting the catabolic action of these agents.


Some of the effects caused by testosterone than those related to the sexual organs are:

1. Increased muscle mass (anabolic)

2. Increases lipolysis.

3. Improves protein synthesis. (For the generation of a positive nitrogen balance)

4. Stimulates eritropoyesis (formation of red blood cells).

5. Increase in the number of contractile proteins which implies an improvement of the contractile capacity of muscle.

6. Increase the levels of phosphocreatine: immediate energy

7. proliferation of the sebaceous glands. The appearance of acne can be related with this effect.
8. thickening of the skin.

9. Hypertrophy of the larynx and producing a permanent record voice.

10. Male hair Distribution: pubis, trunk, extremities and beard. Testosterone has a genetically determined relationship with the appearance of baldness in men.

11. Increase the growth rate of the broad bones at puberty, and increased stature.

12. Closing of the epiphyseal plates and combination of cartilage.

13. aggressive behavior and greater physical and muscle strength in men than in women.

14. The anabolic actions are also evident in other organ systems: liver, kidney, heart, bone marrow, etc.

Use today

Testosterone is an old acquaintance, in gyms mostly.

Thousands of users, most often without a medical check, decide to use this hormone or its derivatives for the anabolic properties of the taking for granted that will be multiple benefits they will get and minimum risk to suffer.

The acceleration of muscle growth, increased bone maturation, improved recoverability between sessions are some of the main reasons that lead to these users to use this type of supplementation without being aware of the many problems that the use of the same can be derived .

In gyms is openly admits only the use of vitamin compounds, natural medicinal substances and including testosterone precursors that supposedly stimulate the production of this hormone in the body (are now called "natural bodybuilders", using products like WPR10, WPP11, GP01 , RF TEST 05. that as has been said, the only thing they do is to increase the activity of our own testosterone without introducing more amount in our body).

After all, everyone knows that inadvertently also use hormonal anabolic unchecked, fomented by various specialty stores and even over the Internet through a few pages even offer pure testosterone in 48 hours.

When a bodybuilder or user enters in your body by hormonal anabolic first observed remarkable progress since it briefly the body is with a surplus of this substance. However, after a while of use, they cease to act the same way, mainly due to the remoteness of production of own endogenous hormones, which disappear once the regulation to decreases in androgen receptors.

From there to follow experiencing improvements will be forced to continually raise the exogenous administration of hormones, with the risk that this dynamic entails.

Also, you have to emphasize the fact that each hormone is interlinked with others and an increase or decrease in their levels always affects the overall balance. When a hormone increases its presence in the body naturally, this in turn activates certain mechanisms that regulate and balance the other factors involved. Otherwise, when the increase is exogenously this escapes their control and can not in any way to adjust and balance the other related parameters.

The testosterone used in gyms clandestinely almost never found in pure form, as is almost always mixed with other components. The purpose of these components called esters, is to prevent a sudden increase in the level of this hormone in the body, to allow testosterone esters is absorbed by time lapses and no sudden avoiding the aforementioned exogenous surplus.

We find in the market various forms of testosterone propionate testosterone, Enanthate, Sustanon ... .. Ranging in system speed range, holding that the faster one acts testosterone, larger effects experience. The goal is to find a testosterone not strike fast system because it is rapidly converted to estrogen, and does not act as a long-term serious that difficult to control.

Anabolic steroids are taken orally or inject and athletes seeking to take them into weeks or months cycles, but continuously and in so-called cyclical usage patterns. This involves taking multiple doses of steroids over a given period, rest a while, and start again.

The combination of different classes of steroids by users is a common practice that aims to maximize its effectiveness and at the same time minimizing its adverse effects. This process is known as stacking ( "stacking").

For a novice using testosterone may be consumed 500 mg per week.

A cycle example for testosterone enanthate would be:

Querying multiple magazines and web pages, we can see how there are multiple sites in that it promotes the use of said substance through careful studies that combine to perfection use dose, rest periods, inhibiting substances effects, more suitable types ... in Ultimately, we see how the use of anabolic steroids has become a business "illegal" that takes advantage of people without the proper knowledge and puts them on a path full of future problems for your health.

At present some statistics even say that 65% of elite athletes use them attached to products that hide the relevant evidence of doping.

Risks of its use and its derivatives

Like all hormones, testosterone in the body should be catabolized. It will be due to the process of cannibalization that the user body undergoes certain changes in its internal balance.

Two main forms of cannibalization has testosterone:

1. Aromatization: converts testosterone to estradiol and its metabolites (estrogen: female sex hormone).
2. Reduction: conversion to dihydrotestosterone DHT, already mentioned.
Usually, by increasing our testosterone levels well in pure form or derivatives, we are increasing our cannibalization rates and as a consequence, the increase of its products (estradiol and DHT).

The increased estrogen concentration involves:

- Awakening of female recipients in men who should not turn up. (Grows breasts, gynecomastia, irreversible in most cases).
- Increases water retention: edema formation. As a consequence, increases the intra and extracapillary volume (increased plasma volume) with the consequent increase in blood pressure that can trigger in a heart failure.

The increase in DHT involves:

- Change up the DHT receptors in the hair follicles and the prostate that will be used to: alopecia (the user is bald) and possible prostate cancers (for cellular apoptosis).

- The liver produces cholestasis (blockage of the bile ducts).

Other effects from the consumption of anabolic steroids are:

- In people who are not physically mature may cause premature closure of the epiphysis of the large bones, so the final height can be reduced.

- Suppress the secretion of gonadotropic hormones that control development and function of the gonads (testes and ovaries). In males, the gonadotropin reduction can produce testicular atrophy, reduction of testosterone secretion and fewer sperm

- In women gonadotropins are required for ovulation and the secretion of estrogen, so a reduction of these hormones disrupts these processes and menstruation

- Also in women can produce masculinization, regression of the breasts, enlargement of the clitoris, the voice to deepen and facial hair growth.

- Total Cholesterol tends to increase. While HDL cholesterol shows a marked reduction, well below the normal line LDL cholesterol shows a variable response: a rapid increase or no change.

- Affectation of the immune system, which derives in reducing the effectiveness of the defense system.

- The use of steroids decreases glucose tolerance, whereas there is an increase in insulin resistance. These changes mimic Type II diabetes.

- Personality changes, aggressive behavior and euphoria

- Other side effects of AE are euphoria, confusion, sleep disorders, pathological anxiety, paranoia and hallucinations.



Leaving to one side the elite sport in which athletes are greatly pressed against the achievement of victory (yet without being justified), I consider that the true insistence we must do is the usual user "street" without any control ( or the unfit control) decides if the use of these substances in order to improve their physical appearance in a quick way and going over any healthy recommendation.

As already has been said there are multiple economic interests that some of the companies dedicated to this world have in this market, which sometimes leads them to cross the line of social ethics urging people to use products in quantities nothing commendable and without any medical supervision.
So basically I think that at least, if the user decides to "get into something" to do considering what to have since most of the time tell you the miraculous benefits, but never the countless future problems.

Hence, simply say that what quickly can, quickly will that leave us interested in the substance "miracle" and to trust more in the appropriate professional sport and health (fisios, doctors ...) that through their advice and our firm succeed in our desired results although perhaps come later will be more rewarding.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Man and andropause

Man and Andropause

What is it?

In recent years he began using the term andropause to capture the changes that begin to affect the man starting from 50 years.

Andropause is a syndrome which means it is a very different set of symptoms. Really it is considered a part of male development and disease.

Only recently begun to give the importance they deserve the physiological changes associated with andropause studies and in depth were initiated on the subject.

Andropause is not as abrupt as menopause. It is a slow and gradual process that has to do with the gradual decline in the level of androgens (male sex hormones), which affects all organic processes. Andropause is also known as Adam's syndrome (androgen deficiency of the aging male - androgen deficiency in older men).

In contrast to the situation where the menopause in women marks the end of the fertile period the fertility in men persists despite age.

After 60 detected significant decrease in testosterone levels in the blood. Other androgenic hormones also decrease, but the best indicator of andropause testosterone appears to be.

In late adolescence, boys are usually with higher levels of testosterone between 800 and 1,200 nanograms per deciliter (ng / dl) of blood.

These levels are maintained for about 10 to 20 years, after which it will begin to decline at a rate of about 1% per year for the absolute level of testosterone and 1.2% per annum for the level of free testosterone (the term that explained above), reaching the age between 80-85 years mean testosterone levels by about 60% the levels observed 25 years of age.

However, these levels are so different between individuals that can not be taken more than a statistical average. Therefore, some men 80 years may have testosterone levels that are found within the normal range for young adults.

The absolute level of free testosterone in the blood of a man is the potential for the hormone to act in his body.

Most of testosterone in the blood is linked with protein and only 2% is available for absorption by body cells (free testosterone).

The most important protein that binds to testosterone binding agent called globulin sex hormone (Fri Hormone Binding Globulin, or SHBG), a protein whose levels increase with age.

This more SHBG in the blood testosterone less available to act on their cells. Factors influencing testosterone levels in the mature adult are many.

While some authors refer to age as the most important factor in hormonal changes, there is also evidence that the anthropometric measurements (weight, length, skin) and lifestyle play a role in these changes. Stress and diseases accelerate the decline of the function of Leydig cells (testosterone production).


Friday, 18 March 2016

How Many Calories Per Day To Lose Weight?

The short answer is: Consume fewer calories than you need each day. If you do not know how many calories you use per day and if you really want to know how many calories you personally will need to consume to lose weight, you first need to understand that no body is like another and each requires a different amount of consumption calories per day. The difference in caloric needs vary greatly based on age, height and weight.

So to ask how many calories you need to eat to lose weight, you should ask the following question: "How many calories my body needs every day?" Without the knowledge of how to calculate your daily calorie needs, it is virtually impossible to answer this question. Therefore, we will learn how to calculate our daily calorie needs.

Calculate How Many Calories You Need Per Day

To learn how to calculate how many daily calories you need to lose weight, you first need to know how many calories you daily use. Follow the instructions below to calculate yourself. First you need to find out what your basal metabolic rate. This is how your body uses calories to survive without any physical activity.

TMB = 88.362 + (13.397 x weight in kg) + (4.799 x height in cm) - (5.677 x age in years)

TMB = 447.593 + (9.247 x weight in kg) + (3.098 x height in cm) - (4.330 x age in years)

Formula: The Harris-Benedict - reviewed by Roza and Shizgal.

Now you need to calculate how many calories a day spent considering your level of physical activity.

You can adopt the following factors:

  • Little or no exercise: BMR x 1.2
  • Little exercise (1-3 days a week): BMR x 1.375
  • Moderate exercise (3-5 days a week): BMR x 1.55
  • Intense exercise (6-7 days a week): BMR x 1.725
  • very intense exercise (2x per day or too heavy): BMR x 1.9

practical example of how to calculate your daily caloric expenditure:

You are a sedentary woman, 70 kg, 165 cm and 35 years. Then you must copy this formula below and paste it into a cell of a spreadsheet program like Excel famous:
= 447.593 + (9.247 * 70) + (3.098 * 165) - (4.33 * 35)

When you paste in Excel exactly the result will be 1454.5. Now multiply the value by 1.2 (sedentary) and will result in 1745.

If you are a sedentary man, 95 kg, 178 cm and 35 years should copy the formula below and paste it in the Excel cell.
= 88.362 + (13.397 * 95) + (4.799 * 178) - (5,677 * 35)

Result gives 2016.6. Now multiply by 1.2 and reached 2420
I figured How many calories per day need. How to Lose Weight?

If everything is correct with the calculation, you now know the amount of calories your body uses each day. So how can you lose weight? The answer is simple: eat below the range of calories you need and you will lose weight. If you eat fewer calories than your body needs to function, it will use the stored fat in it as a source of energy.

So I just cut 2/3 of My Calorie Intake?

No! The most damaging thing to do is to eat the amount of calories well below your daily requirement. Your body needs food to fuel to function properly. Besides being totally harmful, eat well below your daily calorie needs will trigger your body to what we call "starvation mode". In this mode, your body adapts to low calorie intake and you will not lose almost no fat (because the body needs fewer calories to function). When you exit the starvation mode and back to eating normally, you end up gaining a lot of weight because the body will need fewer calories to function and form fat with excess calories.

So What Should Be My Deficit Calories Daily?

Experts say that 1,000 calories per day is the maximum calorie deficit. Although your body works to maintain a deficit of 1000 calories a day is not the best thing to do. As explained above, you are more likely to trigger the starvation mode and feel very tired and without energy. It is very difficult to maintain a calorie deficit routine 1000. A deficit of smarter and healthier calories to lose weight (and possible to maintain) would be 200-400 per day. You lose very quickly so fat and be able to function normally without feeling fatigued, hungry, tired and without going into starvation mode.

What if I Do not Want To Do All These calculations?

If you do not do the calculations of your daily calorie needs, we can provide the average daily calories for men and women who do not exercise: 2,000 calories for women and 2,500 calories for men. As you can imagine, these averages are ... an average of caloric needs based on the entire world population. This means they are not based on your personal caloric needs. As explained above, height, weight and age represent a huge role in the amount of calories a person needs daily as fuel for your body. So if you really want to know how many calories a day you need to lose weight, you will have to make some effort and calculate how many calories a day you need.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

10 Best Supplements for Muscle Mass Gain

Intelligence and practice are key factors to choose the best gain supplements muscle mass and strength. Some nutrients can give very different results - whey protein, leucine, creatine - and others are worth it if you want to have an edge over the competition. Before we get to the list, it is good to remember the habits that must precede any supplementation:
A good and complete diet that watch the proportions of macronutrients is mandatory; periodized training with short and long term goals;

Exercises that use the whole body will bring better results: squats, deadlifts (deadlifts), push-ups, bar, shots.

If you ever bothered with the basics of supplementation, be sure to have your vitamin D, zinc, magnesium and multivitamins on hand.

1. BCAAs, and leucine

There is much talk about leucine today, and rightly so, since it can increase protein synthesis by up to 145% to consume it in the post workout. And although leucine is the branched chain amino acid responsible for activating the main protein synthesis mechanism (mTOR, "mammalian target of rapamycin"), use it alone is not the best plan.

It is best to take BCAA enriched in leucine - that is, made BCAAs in a ratio of leucine 4 to 1 with valine and isoleucine - for this formula showed the most effective muscle gain. When the leucine intake is made out of balance as in other BCAA can lead to an imbalance in amino acid levels in the blood, reducing anaerobic response.

The benefits of rich BCAAs leucine include reduction of muscle damage, less pain, less muscle fatigue and increased muscle growth. BCAAs leucine rich are especially valuable for elderly who have more difficulty in activating mTOR pathway muscle growth.

Supplementation Tip: Take the ratio BCAA containing leucine at about 4 to 1 for valine and isoleucine. Take also post workout along with taurine to further reduce further pain and inflammation of strenuous workouts.

2. Creatine

Creatine is one of the supplements for muscle gain more researched, certainly. Is your main fuel for explosive workouts and high intensity. Supplementation showed double muscle gains (one study showed an increase of 1 to 2 kilos extra for a period of training from 4 to 12 weeks).

Creatine also increases strength gains, improves performance on shots and endurance and helps lose fat. A recent study suggested that the known saturation of 20 grams of creatine per a week is unnecessary. great stocks of creatine can be achieved by taking 0.07 grams per user per kilo. Then you can do a maintenance 5 grams per day, but it's good remake saturation every 4 weeks, especially if the volume and intensity of your workout are high.

Supplementation Tip: the presence of insulin to creatine accumulate, so take along with carbohydrates or with supplements that stimulate insulin is required.

3. Beta Alanine

Beta alanine is stored in the form of carnosine in muscle fibers fast-twitch, and it helps the muscles to contract harder and increases performance. Another reason why it improves the performance is that carnosine helps to stabilize the pH of the muscles during exercise to remove excess hydrogen ions that make your muscles burn and fadigarem.

Athletes and fighters can benefit from beta alanine for it to extend the high-intensity performance. A list of the best supplements for combat athletes suggested the beta alanine as an auxiliary of fighters that perform more than 60 explosive sprints involving bumps and five rounds throws. Increased capacity of a combatant is essential, as they go through coups and clinches standing, ground game, and assets.

Supplementation Tip: Strength Training appear to increase their ability to increase muscle carnosine during supplementation. Try a cycle 4 to 6 grams per day for 4 weeks, followed by 1.5 to 3 grams per day for 4 weeks. Beta alanine combined with creatine, and can be assayed simultaneously.

4. Carnitine

Carnitine is recognized for years as a reduction of body fat, even though most studies pointed to external mechanisms as improvers of body composition. For example, it is known that carnitine intake can increase the blood flow, resulting in better recovery and muscle growth, as more nutrients and hormones are reaching the muscles. It is also associated with increased levels of testosterone and IGF-1.

Recent studies have shown that supplementation with carnitine can interrupt muscular inactivity resulted loss, and other study 2011 increased performance in athletes 35% to consume 2 g of carnitine per day for six months. It was also observed a decrease of 44% lactic acid accumulation, and use 55% less glycogen reserves, indicating that the fat was being burned in intense exercise and, instead of glycogen - a good result for better performance.

Supplementation Tip: Also a vector for carnitine uptake is necessary, ie it must be taken with something that raises insulin - omega3 or carbohydrates. In the 2011 study, participants consumed along with 80g of carbs daily.

5. Caffeine

Caffeine is certainly one of the best supplements to gain muscle mass and improve performance.

There is even evidence that can raise testosterone and increase your concentration and motivation, making it especially effective in increasing physical capacity when you are tired.

For example, college athletes with sleep problem, when taking caffeine before training automatically selected higher load in training compared to when they were using placebos.

Caffeine can also help in the recovery, and great for dual training. One study found that after performing exhausting exercises to end the glycogen reserves, athletes who consumed carbohydrates together with 8 mg per kilogram of body mass and, four hours later, performed interval training, fared much better than those who consumed only carbohydrates. The group receiving the combination lasted 48 minutes of training, while the decaffeinated group lasted only 32 minutes, and the placebo group lasted 19 minutes.

Supplementation Tip: To improve performance, to accurately measure the amount of caffeine - just drink a cup of coffee will not make much difference. Quantities of 3 mg per kilogram mass demonstrated to increase capacity in the supine position (the amount of a caffeine - 1 mg per kilogram body, an individual 80kg - had no effect). A dose of 8 mg per kilogram used in the study showed a huge difference and for sure you prepare to set off in the gym or on the race track.

6. Whey protein

An adequate intake of protein is crucial for a good recovery - one study showed that athletes who consume whey protein can print greater strength and maximize gains after double workouts, the first held in the morning.

For example, in a comparative study with veteran athletes, doses of 3 g per kilogram per day of whey protein and "soy protein" showed that the group who took whey gained 2.5 kg of muscle while the soy protein group was in 1.7 kg of gains.

Whey Protein overcomes all other protein sources because of its rapid digestion, suppressing protein degradation - that's why athletes have managed to keep the dual training. Whey protein contains high concentrations of leucine and well mimics the human milk, which in the first stage of lactation contains about 90% whey, making it less allergenic than whole cow's milk or casein supplements.

Supplementation Tip: New research supports the theory of "exchange of proteins," which states that when the initial dose of protein is less than 1.5 g per kilogram per day, the greater the muscle and strength gains when replacing the dose by over 50% of the original. Try cycling your protein, consuming up to 3 g per kilogram per day when in hypertrophy phase. Then choose rich amino acids leucine in strength training and gain strength to be able to vary and maintain a constant upgrading.

7. Carbohydrates

Few studies have compared the benefits of different proportions of carbohydrates and protein in feed athletes, so it is not known how far the carbohydrate supplementation influences on muscle development. Of the few things we know, we are:

Carbohydrates are not required: A recent study of male athletes who trained force in a state of shortage of glycogen showed no interference in protein synthesis in moderate to heavy training.

Moreover, restrict your post-workout nutrition in whey protein may increase its production of growth hormone and IGF-1 to burn more. If weight loss is your primary goal, avoid carbohydrate supplementation and seek to consume foods of carbohydrates in your post-workout.

If you insulin is thin and sensitive, there is no reason to avoid carbohydrates. Several studies corroborate that the ratio of carbohydrate to protein of 2 to 1 or 1: 1 normally result in much muscle hypertrophy fast-twitch fiber and a general improvement in body composition.

In a recent study of bodybuilders, providing a continuous supply of carbohydrates during training resulted in greater power capacity and less fatigue in isometric training, compared to a placebo group.

In a group of sedentary men, consuming a post-workout consisting of 6% carbohydrate and 0.2 g per kg of whey protein for 12 weeks resulted in better hypertrophy gains compared to the group that only used Whey protein. The results were similar in testosterone levels and cortisol was significantly lower in the group using carbohydrate together with whey. They also had higher gain strength in the leg press and bench press.

Supplementation Tip: When using carbohydrate supplements, choose one that has different types of maltodextrin and little ribose. Many prefer to add powdered juices to Whey protein - to increase the glycemic index in order to gain muscle, try pineapple or grape. Finally, if your goal is to lose fat, opt for carbohydrates with lots of fiber and rich in antioxidants - green vegetables and purple, and red fruits.

8. Fish Oil and CLA

Fish oil and CLA are anabolic and significantly improve their results. Both fatty acids are: Fish oil is made of Omega 3 and DHA, and CLA is derived from meat and dairy products.

In a study of adults 4 grams a day of fish oil increased the activity via protein synthesis (mTOR) by 30%. This resulted in a 2% gain in lean body mass - may seem to be just a list of supplements to gain weight, but it is relevant, considering that it has not done any exercise in the study.

CLA has shown better results in muscle gains. In a 7 week study, men taking CLA while training gained 1.4 kg of muscle and lost 1 kg of fat to more than the placebo group. The researchers suspect that CLA increases the anabolic response and increases metabolism during sleep.

Supplementation Tip: Take fish oil on post workout to reduce pain and inflammation. It can also be used in place of carbohydrates together with supplements like creatine, which needs an insulin spike to fix the muscles. Make sure that contains the cis-9 isomers, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12. Get CLA dairy and grazing animals meat. grazing animals tend to be 2 to 3 times more than the CLA animals raised on feed.

9. Citrulline

Citrulline is an amino acid that increases arginine and nitric oxide, improving blood flow and, consequently, the distribution of nutrients to the muscles. Citrulline also increases your energy to clean the waste body as lactic acid and ammonia, increasing its high-intensity exercise capacity. Moreover, by elevating levels of arginine, can also increase the levels of growth hormone and IGF-1 are both important for muscle growth and recovery.

Supplementation Tip: Take citrulline pre workout for better blood flow and more energy - it also results in greater muscle vasculature. Experiment with caffeine and tirosnina to stimulate the nervous system when with insufficient sleep.

10. Glutamine

Glutamine is an amino acid which provides the fuel cells divide more quickly, increasing hypertrophy and improving the immune system. intense workouts consume large amounts of glutamine, and studies with elite athletes, especially with the resistance, have shown that they are more likely to get sick after some competition because of reduced glutamine levels.

empirical test results relevaram that glutamine can increase the resynthesis of glycogen, reduce pain and inflammation post workout, assist in injury recovery and provides an anabolic effect. Glutamine can also be used by the brain as an energy source, useful in the transition to a diet without carbohydrates or to help the falls for sweet foods.

Supplementation Tip: Try taking glutamine several times a day (10 grams 8 times gave good results for elite athletes mass gain stages). Try 2 grams of glutamine in diluted powder in water whenever you're close to giving in to temptation.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Because Healthy Eating Tips They change much?

Those who like to always be in good shape certainly seeks to be well informed on the latest research on healthy eating and fitness world, to be able to take ownership of the tips that these studies indicate. However, it is true that from time to time emerge works that contradict others, which ends up leaving many in doubt about which one is actually correct and should be followed.

For example, if one day was the largest fat villain of good shape, it is now no longer seen as negative, and so the consumption of healthy fats is recommended. There is also the case of chocolate, delicacy in some cases hinders maintain ideal weight and other is good for health, as with the bitter chocolate.
Somewhat confusing, no? Especially when we take into account that not everyone has deep knowledge about nutrition and physical science and not have anything to analyze and compare the studies that arise regarding these issues.

But why does this happen? Why are there research on the same subject that indicate different results? One explanation is that no study is considered in isolation. A work provides conclusions and evidence for an entire field of research and can serve as a basis for the development of new studies.
In turn, these new research can bring results demonstrate that something already achieved in previous work was actually not correct. And that's how come the new findings.

Nutrition is a younger field of study than others

As the power is inherent to human life since the world began, not so long ago that nutrition began to be studied more deeply by scientists. Research in this area began to be held at the end of the nineteenth century, about 160 years.

In view of all the variety of foods that exist on Earth, you can understand that this time is very short so that scientists can reach more concrete conclusions on the subject. To hit the hammer on a clue, it is necessary that there are many studies with various evidences that point to this concept.

It's not as simple as developing a research in the field of nutrition

That's because when a study of any kind is done, researchers can not take into account only food that has been evaluated. They have in mind that a result obtained may have had something to do exclusively with the studied food, as can not, given that food is not the only factor that influences the weight, metabolism and well-being.

It is precisely why when looking at a study is necessary to understand that there is a difference between correlation - which indicates that there is a relationship between a fact and a result, if the consumption of food and weight loss, for example - and the cause - which means that something has been fully responsible for certain result, as stating that certain food is the reason why a person lost or gained weight, for example.

Certain headlines sensationalize or minimize studies
When reading a report on scientific research related to food and fitness you need to consider two aspects of the world of the media. The first is that newspapers, magazines, radio and television programs want the consumption of readers, listeners, viewers and Internet users and, therefore, may end up using sensationalized and exaggerated headlines about particular study only to get attention and win the consumer .

And if someone just read, hear or see quickly the call of matter runs the risk of not understanding much of such research it is and to just have exaggerated message that the title of the report passed.
Another problem is the lack of time to produce the news and space to explain the context in greater depth some media have. Thus, the reader / surfer / listener / viewer is not likely to understand broadly than it really is the addressed research and draw conclusions on the subject.

Also, something that can be overlooked in a report is the fact that every person who consumes this news has peculiarities: genetics, health problems, eating habits, among others. Thus, what may happen is the communication medium pass as a result of a search rule to all persons, each body may behave differently in relation to a diet or training, for example.

Good research are expensive and who sponsors research usually has something to gain from it
Do not believe everything you hear, see or read. A survey stating that soda can do good for your health? A little strange, no? Try to see if you can identify who paid the costs of the study. If you find that it was a soft drinks manufacturer, is good suspect that maybe this job is not worth as much credibility as well.

What should I pay attention to me across to the study?
Thinking of everything discussed so far, can you conclude that it is not a very wise move blindly rely on a study says. However, this also does not mean you should ignore all the research that arise and have them as suspicious. Just pay attention to some aspects before you believe what she says:

Who paid for the research?
As mentioned above, it is important to pay attention to the organs that have borne the costs of the research. While companies may have business interests behind, universities, government agencies (in Brazil one is the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel [Capes]) or serious philanthropic entities (such as the American Heart Association, for example) not represent this risk.

The results are consistent with other previous research?
If a research present a very different outcome than their field of study has already determined in previous work, it is good to be cautious and wait a while before having it as truth.

This is because a good research comes from the knowledge already established in your area and should be further research to support what the scientist says. This is not to say that what has been set in the past can not be changed but that there must be the basis for a scientific area around its object of study.

So, to make sure that the research in question shows is really true, it is worth waiting for other studies related to the same subject appear, either confirming or denying what was said.

To what source the study was released?
Do not believe everything you think so. Be sure to check the reliability of the source you found. Sources of government agencies, universities and non-profit entities with good reputation are the most reliable.

In the case of a spread news in the media, be aware that the matter discloses where the research was conducted or where the information was taken. And be wary of the headlines that appear to be too simple - a scientific study is usually something more complex - or too sensationalized, presenting the results of research as something almost miraculous or too good to be true.

Monday, 14 March 2016

Testosterone - Side Effects of Use To Gain Muscle Mass

Testosterone is an important hormone in the regulation of various bodily functions, especially in the male body. One of the most recognized functions of testosterone is to promote muscle growth, so that many bodybuilders make use of synthetic forms of the hormone to boost their earnings.

This practice, however, is extremely dangerous. too high testosterone levels can cause severe side effects and increase the risk of a number of diseases. In addition, hormonal imbalance can cause irregularities in the endocrine system, causing atrophic glands - particularly the testes.

Check out 12 general side effects of testosterone use to gain muscle mass, in addition to specific side effects for men, women and adolescents.

1. Tremors
One of the most common effects perceived by those who use artificial testosterone to gain muscle are muscle tremors. This is an effect which can vary in intensity and may be extremely uncomfortable.

2. Acne
The development of acne is a direct consequence of high levels of testosterone. The male puberty makes this clear relationship and acne outbreaks that some bodybuilding beginners suffer because of the small increase in testosterone levels. In the case of high doses of testosterone artificial, Acne can manifest intensely.

3. Hydro Retention
Fluid retention has a significant increase in people who use testosterone to gain muscle mass. This effect brings health risks with regard to blood pressure, but also is aesthetically undesirable. Who seeks a defined body frustrate because the swelling is extremely difficult to overcome.

4. Pain and Injury in Joints
The muscle development caused by high doses of artificial testosterone is absolutely irregular. The muscle, in fact, can develop rapidly, but the structures that are associated with them follow their normal pace of development. This is especially severe in the case of joints which start to suffer with the new loads the muscles are able to support: the results are frequent pain, and possibly serious injury.

5. Hypertension
Scientific studies reveal that blood pressure of men who have testosterone replacement (ie, men who actually need the artificial hormone) rises considerably. In men who already have normal testosterone levels and use the artificial hormone to gain muscle mass, the effect is even more intense.

6. Cholesterol
The only positive side effect that can be mentioned with respect to cholesterol levels. It is observed that the artificial testosterone supplementation in elderly causes a cholesterol dimini??o "bad" (LDL) cholesterol and an increase in the "good" cholesterol (HDL). What is the use to gain muscle mass, however, is unknown, so that even this factor there is some risk.

7. Cardiac Arrhythmia
Cardiac arrhythmia is caused by a harmful effect of high levels of testosterone on the heart. It is observed an irregular growing fibers, which causes a disproportionate increase in the left ventricle, so that heartbeats are deregulated.

Negative factors of supplemental testosterone on blood pressure and the heart make it clear that there is a significant increase in the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases in general.

8. Headaches
Headaches are also common among testosterone users to gain muscle mass. The intensity varies but the risk of developing severe migraines.

9. tumors
The risk of tumors in the liver is scientifically associated with testosterone supplementation. This is a dangerous disease, the development of which may be irreversible: the observed cases, not always the tumor regressed after discontinuation of testosterone.

10. Baldness
Dermatological effects of testosterone use to gain muscle mass, often visible in the form of acne, often also point to the development of baldness. This is just another potentially undesirable aesthetic effect that frustrates those looking reshape the body by testosterone.

11. Sleep Disorders
Since testosterone production and consumption cycle relate strongly to regular sleep, the use of testosterone to gain muscle mass can also cause problems in this regard. Insomnia is frequemente observed, as well as sleep apnea.

12. Mood Changes
Testosterone is associated with aggressive and irritable behavior patterns, so that an overload of this hormone can have serious consequences for patterns of humor. For those who lead a stressful life, irritability can become absolutely intolerable.


Specific Side Effects in the Male Body

Side effects of testosterone use to man are severe. This hormone is extremely important in the regulation of the male body so that their levels change dramatically causes a strong imbalance.

Firstly, the high testosterone levels will cause the testicles (glands responsible for the production of this hormone) start to work less. The result in the long term is the same atrophy, ie its reduction and progressive deterioration.

At the same time, man can become sexually impotent, developing severe cases of erectile dysfunction. Furthermore, the decreased amount of sperm becomes increasingly less man fertile.

Hormonal imbalance also encourages the uneven development of the prostate - increasing the chances of cancer in this region, so as to put human life at risk.

The aesthetic effects are also important. Since many men use artificial testosterone to increase their muscles, many are disappointed with the unwanted breast development caused by hormonal imbalance.

Specific Side Effects on the Female Body

Side effects are less severe in the female body, however. Since testosterone levels are normally low in the female body, high levels caused by supplementation easily cause undesirable effects.

The most common effects and popularly known are related to the development of body characteristics typically male: hair growth in typically male distribution, change in voice (which becomes hoarse and especially more severe), among other body details that are potentially unwanted from an aesthetic point of view.

The female body typical characteristics are also affected: if the men is breast development in women testosterone overload leads to its atrophy. Furthermore, there is an excessive development of the clitoris.

The female body, however, it is attacked with respect to the endocrine system in general. The menstrual cycle, important and totally regulated by hormones becomes completely unregulated and often simply cease to exist. The reproductive and sexual functions of the female body are therefore seriously threatened.

Specific Side Effects Body Teen

The effects of the additional load of testosterone even leave marks when the use is made in adolescence. Since hormones play a central role in the body's maturing, imbalance often causes absolutely irreversible consequences.

The development process is affected in two main ways. Firstly, may occur early skeletal maturation, so as to interrupt the intense growth which normally occurs in this stage of life. The result is a low height, extremely difficult to change.

Furthermore, the process of puberty can generally accelerate so far. This does not mean, however, that the development only occurs faster: it gives irregular and discontinuous mode, causing an extremely dangerous misshapen growth.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

The most important male hormone

Considered testosterone the most important male sex hormone. It is precisely that it accounts for the male characteristics for sexual and erectile function. Moreover, muscle growth would be impossible without it.

Contrary to popular belief, testosterone is not related to the level of aggression, on the contrary, people likely to have high levels of aggression cortizol and low testosterone, since cortizol, the stress hormone, lowers the level of testosterone.

Testosterone and passion

  • Scientific studies dating back to mid-2000, show that testosterone levels fall in love with men (1). Apparently, this must be some kind of instinctive defense mechanism to allow the formation of a stable couple and the birth of a child.
  • Interestingly, paternity and care of a small child also decrease testosterone levels, but only temporarily (2). After 2 or 3 years after the start of the relationship, the level of the hormone recovers, allowing the man "from new to the fight."
  • Decreased testosterone levels with age

In the article "Metabolism after thirty" wrote that although in men testosterone levels decrease indeed with age, this decrease is not as significant as many think - at 35 the secretion of testosterone is only 5% less than the 25 .

A substantial decrease in production level of this hormone only begin to be felt after the forty, falling by about ten percent every five years. By age 50, the level of testosterone in most men is not more than 60% of what it was at 25 (3).

Additives for increasing testosterone

Before we talk of products that help to increase the level of testosterone, is mis logical starting with vitamins and minerals whose deficit reduces their level. To include them in your diet, you can not only increase the level of testosterone production, but also better your health in general.

Zinc deficiency, magnesium and vitamin D is closely related to decreased production of male sex hormone. But it is important to understand that the intake of these minerals can only restore normal levels. In itself, zinc and magnesium do not increase the level of testosterone.

How to increase testosterone naturally

If we talk about quantity, an adult man needs daily 10-20 mg of zinc, 400-1000 IU of vitamin D and 350 mg of magnesium. Furthermore, ingestion of 2 g of calcium per day has a positive effect on testosterone but calcium is better to be taken in cycles.

The vast majority of men suffering from failure of these micronutrients. For example, if you have cramps very often, this may be a sign of a lack of magnesium, have low immunity and brittle nails are zinc lack of signal.

Obesity and testosterone levels

Overweight is one of the most important factors in the decrease of testosterone, since the fat can convert male sex hormone in women. The more fat a person has, the less it the testosterone level and the higher the estrogen (4).

A high level of female hormones in man helps transform the free fatty acids in blood fat, which diminishes the risk of blood vessel blockage. But it is obvious that the body fat accumulation increases and that obesity has just pulling the kind of female.

Testosterone and weight

The less fat there is in the human body, less testosterone turns into estrogen: weight loss leads unequivocally to the normalization of testosterone levels. Furthermore, the higher this level, faster the fat is burned.

As for strength training, it increases actually the testosterone level, as the hormone is needed by the body for growth and maintenance of muscles. But do not fear, a high level of testosterone does not cause hair loss, as previously believed.


Saturday, 12 March 2016

The Benefits of Testosterone Supplements

Many men around the world suffer silently with the problem of having low testosterone levels without knowing what to do. There are millions of men suffering from low testosterone levels and do not make any treatment or take any testosterone supplement.

Many men begin to feel 'soft', depressed and without major goals in life and although this is a problem that attacks more middle-age men of truth is that testosterone production begins to decline naturally after age 30 and continues to decline throughout life.

 Low Levels TestosteronaOs_baixos testosterone levels in a man can wreak havoc in your love relationship and affect your whole family. If there is good communication between sexual partners to low sexual interest can seriously affect the relationship and cause stress, low self-esteem and even depression in the affected man.

As testosterone also affects your mood and disposition their lack can cause problems not only in personal relationships as between friends, co-workers and lower your production at work. These issues ultimately affect the confidence of men and can lead to much more serious problems, such as sexual dysfunction, which seriously affects the whole man's life and the lives of those with it relates.

Some of the symptoms of low testosterone include weight gain (especially increase of the stomach), sleep problems (including apnea), diabetes, hypertension, circulatory disorders, premature aging, etc. This is called testosterone deficient hypogonadal. And with the increase in obesity, even in young men, the signs of low testosterone production is increasingly evident, because the fat causes the production of estrogen, which in turn causes a fall in testosterone production by the body.

Actually testosterone is a powerful fat burner to help a lot to lose weight, especially to burn localized fat. When the production of low testosterone fat burning is reduced and may cause clogging of the arteries and lead to heart attacks. Testosterone is much more than just a sex hormone.

Testosterone BaixaSe_voc? walks to feel tired, lack of energy, depressed, with little desire to have sex with weak erections is likely to be with low testosterone levels. Talk to your doctor and ask to make an analysis of your testosterone levels. A very simple thing and you can change your whole life!

There are several ways to increase testosterone levels in the body, some of course, with the help of natural testosterone supplements (plant) or sometimes with a simple change of habits and some exercise to revitalize your body.

Improve the quality of sleep and reducing stress can also improve your testosterone levels naturally.

In more severe cases the doctor might prescribe you pills or patches of artificial testosterone to correct their levels, but these drugs should only be taken under medical supervision and advice. It is important to follow this advice because although testosterone can do wonders for your life an over dosage also has harmful side effects.

In fact there are natural supplements of testosterone in the market that stimulate the natural production of testosterone by your body (without the danger of overdose) not worth the risk of using chemical or hormonal means to increase testosterone without the effective consent of a specialized physician and monitoring.

 Increasing natural TestosteronaOs_suplementos are to stimulate the natural production of testosterone by your body in order to correct any deficiency and maintain body balance, as this hormone is what gives men the very traits of masculinity and as it begins to reduce its production natural in the body after 30 years, it is natural that men begin to lose some of the effect they had on youth, therefore stimulate increased production of testosterone by the body is very beneficial for any man.

Testosterone supplements bring many benefits and can ensure a complete turnaround in the life of a man. They are made of various plant extracts that are designed to stimulate the production of testosterone, such as Ginseng, Muira Pauma, Acai Berry, Long Jack, Arginine and some specific minerals.

Some of the most obvious benefits of testosterone supplements are:

- Testosterone supplements increase your libido (sex drive) and allow you to get stronger and lasting erections.

- Increase your muscle mass and reduce localized fat. Testosterone is a hormone that helps set your body, helping to burn localized fat and to increase and define the muscles.

- Testosterone supplements also help strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.

- Improve the quality and quantity of sleep. Testosterone improves sleep and sleep properly increases testosterone levels, so that both complement each other.

- Also improve concentration, energy and histamine and stimulate the production of HGH, which fights the signs of aging.

 increase testosteronaComo_pode see testosterone is not just a sex hormone, as many people think, the effect of which is only to increase sex drive and erections (although it is essential for this purpose) but also an essential hormone to good mental and physical shape since it has strong influence the definition of our body and in our behavior.

Testosterone is essential for male well being and when testosterone levels are low throughout your life suffers from it. It is vital for many bodily functions, some essential for quality of life, so if you think you may have low testosterone levels do something to solve the problem. Increase testosterone levels can make you feel 10 years younger, physically, and mentally or sexually speaking.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Natural Testosterone Supplements

You feel you are suffering from low testosterone levels? Typical signs are fatigue, low sex drive, irritability, depression, loss of hair on the head or body, skin wrinkling, weight gain (usually found in the stomach), loss of muscle mass and weakening of the bones. Often low testosterone levels can lead to other more serious diseases and the amount of blood sugar disorders which can in turn lead to an increase in obesity and the onset of diabetes.

But before we can discuss the issue of increasing testosterone it is important to understand the importance of this hormone in humans. Testosterone is the key to man's manhood and sexual performance. It is this hormone which supports:

Increasing levels of testosterone _A_fun??o sexual (allows stronger and more frequent erections).

- Sexual desire (will increase the desire to have sex).

- The production of sperm.

- Bone density.

- The growth of muscles.

- The definition of the body (allowing burn more fat and have a more defined body).

- The production of red blood cells.

- The health of the brain and heart.

- Influences our mood and our sleep patterns.


The decrease testosterone levels may therefore have strong negative changes in the body. Unfortunately testosterone levels begin to decline naturally in the body from 30 years and reach their mininos values ??in menopause or andropause.

Increased testosterone and so it is important to avoid all these problems we call aging and which are due to the decrease of testosterone in the body. Increased testosterone can restore your sexual interest and considerably improve their erections.

But the benefits are not only in the sexual field, is the best way to improve any aspect of your body. Testosterone can improve your metabolism and help you to create much larger muscles (of course it will have to work to achieve these benefits) and improves bone density, allowing to have stronger bones and prevent osteoporosis.

And though these reasons were already enough for you to think about increasing your testosterone levels will still benefit from a reduction in blood cholesterol (which is essential to prevent heart problems) and helps oxygenate the blood, which in turn will increase energy levels, increase sexual desire and strength of erections.

Testosterone is almost like the youth hormone, but while increasing testosterone levels is good, to avoid side effects it is important to take into much consideration the methods used to increase testosterone.

-_Terapia Hormone Replacement.

Increase Testosterona?_poss?vel increase your testosterone levels through HRT (hormone replacement therapy). This is usually done by testosterone injections, or the use of testosterone patches and creams. HRT is used with great success in men who have very low testosterone levels and seek to increase your sex drive, increase your muscles and lose weight naturally.

However, the prolonged use of HRT may increase the risk of hair loss, affect brain cells, causing enlargement of the prostate (disease that gives the name of prostatitis) and cause adverse effects on sleep cycles and even increase the risk of heart attacks. So this technique can only be used in men with very low testosterone levels and under strict medical supervision.

Do not buy synthetic testosterone or steroids in order to increase their testosterone levels in the parallel market because the risks can be serious, very serious!

- Natural Supplements to Increase Testosterone.

If you do not want to take the risks associated with HRT, there are many natural supplements to increase testosterone you can use and that are easy to order directly over the Internet. One is the latest the Metadrol, a natural remedy for increasing testosterone much appreciated.

It contains only natural ingredients that stimulate your body to produce testosterone naturally (not contain the hormone itself) and allow you to increase your physical performance and their testosterone levels.

Testosterone natural supplements stimulate the Leydig cells (or interstitial Leydig cells, which are cells that are located between the seminiferous tubules in the testes) produce more natural testosterone. These natural remedies are made of various plant extracts and other ingredients such as L-arginine to work wonders to stimulate the production of testosterone and HGH by the body.

SomatodrolEstes_rem?dios have become very popular due to allow you to feel more young and vigorous, and without the side effects of hormones and synthetic steroids. Can improve your fitness, your strength and significantly improve their sexual performance. Also improve mood and sleep quality.

Although acts offer plenty of supposed effective supplements to increase testosterone levels in the body do not all have their proven effectiveness. However those manufactured by international renowned laboratories are reliable because undergo several studies and tests before being presented on the market.

Therefore, if you want to strengthen your testosterone levels, or suffers from some of the symptoms at the beginning of this article, try a good natural testosterone supplement and return to the active man he was.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

How to Increase Testosterone Naturally

All men care about a decrease in sexual desire or any other problem related to your sexual performance - problems that often come with age, but can also reach young people. Often testosterone, or more precisely, reducing testosterone levels, it is related to this, although it is not the only thing that affects male sexual performance. So all men who experience any problems with your sexual health check should not be low testosterone levels responsible.

Low testosterone levels are usually related to the decline of male sexual health, as well as other important aspects of the manhood of any man. It is logical, since testosterone is the primary hormone in humans and the main responsible for libido. So they have appeared on the market several methods to increase testosterone ...

But what exactly is testosterone?

A testosterona is usually associated with increased muscle mass and increase sexual performance, but it is much more than that ...

Testosterone is a very common subject in male subjects, but which are actually the effects of this hormone in a man's body? Testosterone is the predominant hormone in man after puberty and responsible for male development. This hormone helps the development of muscle, the appearance of pubic hair and all the groups, the thickened voice and development of the penis and the testicles. It is also the main responsible for erections and the sexual desire.

Testosterone is also responsible for the health of the reproductive system and the production of the squeeze. It is also important in the creation of muscle mass, bone density in supporting and maintaining energy levels.

Note that testosterone begins to decline after age 30, but very gradually, so the decrease in sexual desire or other sexual problems may be related to other factors such as depression, diabetes, high voltage or heart problems and not with low testosterone levels.

Signs of Low Levels of Testosterone

Men who have low testosterone levels probably feel a general lack of energy, mood problems, irritability, loss of muscle mass, increased abdominal fat, low sex drive and even erectile dysfunction. Not necessarily all but a few of these symptoms are present when testosterone levels are below normal. These symptoms are common in older men over 50, but due to some hormonal imbalance young people can also experience some of the symptoms of low testosterone levels.

For men who have no problem hormonal testosterone decrease starts from the age of 30, but it is very gradual, over several years, so you hardly feel any of the signs in the early years. As for men who suffer some hormonal derangement fall it can be much more abrupt and noted in a short time.

In both cases the symptoms of low testosterone and its severity vary greatly from man to man, while for some symptoms of low testosterone usually occur as an effect of age and not seriously affect to the other may cause serious disorders. The difference lies in the levels it had when young and intensity of their previous sex life. In less sexually active men change can be subtle and easily viewed with a sign of aging, but outos can bring many sexual problems and cause severe distress. A sharp drop in testosterone levels can be problematic for many people, whether they have 40 or 60 years of age.

But for all the day comes that sexual life begins to droop and your performance in bed begins to fail. Those who have more luck can not feel until now have some maturity and this decline can be seen with some ease, but for others the problem may appear when they are not yet prepared to deal with it, causing strong embarrassment. The good news is that both can restore their testosterone levels naturally with the help of good nutrition and natural supplements of testosterone.


Supplements to Increase Testosterone

Supplements to Increase TestosteronaOs_suplementos natural testosterone are the best way to increase testosterone without side effects. They encourage the production of natural testosterone by the body and are very effective in treating premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. They are also widely used by athletes who want to enhance their training and gain strength and muscle mass.

They do not contain the actual hormone, but stimulate the pituitary gland to produce more testosterone in the testicles. These supplements also stimulate the production of growth hormone, HGH and blood circulation in the penis, allowing get bigger erections and longer easily. The truth is that these natural testosterone supplements can cause a revolution in the life of any man.

Natural supplements of testosterone are a much safer option than hormone replacement therapy, which has no side effects, so it is not surprising the strong increase in its demand from men who want to restore or improve their sex life.

The best supplements are clinically approved and do not only help to increase testosterone levels as well as levels of HGH, growth hormone, allowing significantly slow down the signs of aging at any man and contribute to sexual and overall health better as a whole .

So if you want to feel young again, achieve better erections and increase sexual desire and performance refer to natural supplements of testosterone and see their wishes fulfilled.

We recommend Somatodrol because ...

SomatodrolEstimula the production of testosterone by the body naturally, helping men to recover their masculinity and their sexual power. Somatodrol has a natural formula that helps to reverse all the symptoms of low testosterone levels, recognized by many herbalists as safe and effective.

Its natural formula will help you to improve your sexual performance, gain muscle, regulate your mood and, in general, feel more young and capable. All without side effects.

Formulated only with natural ingredients (not contain the hormone itself or any steroid) can increase testosterone levels quickly, providing results that can change your life. Increases testosterone in the body and keeps you in shape!

We recommend Provacyl because ...

ProvacylProvacyl is a natural supplement that aims to increase testosterone live and HGH levels in the body to keep it young, healthy and sexually active. Although Provacyl is more suitable for men above 50 years can be taken by any man who wants to fight the signs of aging.

To take it is not to fill your body with synthetic products or steroids but to promote the creation of more HGH and testosterone by itself naturally body, as he always did. So you can increase your energy levels and general well-being and recover their vitality. Shortly after its regular use will start to experience an increase in sexual appetite, feel more alert and better memory, more energy for the day-to-day, will be able to get erections more easily and last longer in bed - basically will yourself feel better at all!

The Benefits of Having Testosterone Levels High

Testosterone is the most important hormone in the body of any man, as it helps to regulate some of the most significant aspects in a man, as well as maintain good sexual and general health. Testosterone is what differentiates a male from a female!

High levels of testosterone help build muscle mass, build strength and endurance, reduce abdominal fat, control cholesterol levels, improve mood and prevent depression states. It also helps increase sex drive, strength of erections and to last longer in bed.

Low levels of testosterone, in turn, make an effeminate man, weak, fat and little sexually active.

Although testosterone gradually decreases with age and we can not do anything to stop the passage of years can do something to control the aging process. HGH supplements and testosterone are a simple, safe and cheap to combat the signs of aging and keep us young and active for much longer.

However it is important to use only natural supplements and avoid any type of hormone replacement therapy or drugs (unless prescribed and accompanied by a medical specialty) because the side effects of the latter can be severe, including prostate cancer.

Choose a good natural testosterone supplement and discover the many advantages it can get - that go far beyond simply improving the power of your erections and size of muscles.


Wednesday, 9 March 2016

The Benefits of Testosterone Supplements

Many men around the world suffer silently with the problem of having low testosterone levels without knowing what to do. There are millions of men suffering from low testosterone levels and do not make any treatment or take any testosterone supplement.

Many men begin to feel 'soft', depressed and without major goals in life and although this is a problem that attacks more middle-age men of truth is that testosterone production begins to decline naturally after age 30 and continues to decline throughout life.

 Low Levels TestosteronaOs_baixos testosterone levels in a man can wreak havoc in your love relationship and affect your whole family. If there is good communication between sexual partners to low sexual interest can seriously affect the relationship and cause stress, low self-esteem and even depression in the affected man.

As testosterone also affects your mood and disposition their lack can cause problems not only in personal relationships as between friends, co-workers and lower your production at work. These issues ultimately affect the confidence of men and can lead to much more serious problems, such as sexual dysfunction, which seriously affects the whole man's life and the lives of those with it relates.

Some of the symptoms of low testosterone include weight gain (especially increase of the stomach), sleep problems (including apnea), diabetes, hypertension, circulatory disorders, premature aging, etc. This is called testosterone deficient hypogonadal. And with the increase in obesity, even in young men, the signs of low testosterone production is increasingly evident, because the fat causes the production of estrogen, which in turn causes a fall in testosterone production by the body.

Actually testosterone is a powerful fat burner to help a lot to lose weight, especially to burn localized fat. When the production of low testosterone fat burning is reduced and may cause clogging of the arteries and lead to heart attacks. Testosterone is much more than just a sex hormone.

Testosterone BaixaSe_voc? walks to feel tired, lack of energy, depressed, with little desire to have sex with weak erections is likely to be with low testosterone levels. Talk to your doctor and ask to make an analysis of your testosterone levels. A very simple thing and you can change your whole life!

There are several ways to increase testosterone levels in the body, some of course, with the help of natural testosterone supplements (plant) or sometimes with a simple change of habits and some exercise to revitalize your body.

Improve the quality of sleep and reducing stress can also improve your testosterone levels naturally.

In more severe cases the doctor might prescribe you pills or patches of artificial testosterone to correct their levels, but these drugs should only be taken under medical supervision and advice. It is important to follow this advice because although testosterone can do wonders for your life an over dosage also has harmful side effects.

In fact there are natural supplements of testosterone in the market that stimulate the natural production of testosterone by your body (without the danger of overdose) not worth the risk of using chemical or hormonal means to increase testosterone without the effective consent of a specialized physician and monitoring.

 Increasing natural TestosteronaOs_suplementos are to stimulate the natural production of testosterone by your body in order to correct any deficiency and maintain body balance, as this hormone is what gives men the very traits of masculinity and as it begins to reduce its production natural in the body after 30 years, it is natural that men begin to lose some of the effect they had on youth, therefore stimulate increased production of testosterone by the body is very beneficial for any man.

Testosterone supplements bring many benefits and can ensure a complete turnaround in the life of a man. They are made of various plant extracts that are designed to stimulate the production of testosterone, such as Ginseng, Muira Pauma, Acai Berry, Long Jack, Arginine and some specific minerals.

Some of the most obvious benefits of testosterone supplements are:

- Testosterone supplements increase your libido (sex drive) and allow you to get stronger and lasting erections.

- Increase your muscle mass and reduce localized fat. Testosterone is a hormone that helps set your body, helping to burn localized fat and to increase and define the muscles.

- Testosterone supplements also help strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.

- Improve the quality and quantity of sleep. Testosterone improves sleep and sleep properly increases testosterone levels, so that both complement each other.

- Also improve concentration, energy and histamine and stimulate the production of HGH, which fights the signs of aging.

 increase testosteronaComo_pode see testosterone is not just a sex hormone, as many people think, the effect of which is only to increase sex drive and erections (although it is essential for this purpose) but also an essential hormone to good mental and physical shape since it has strong influence the definition of our body and in our behavior.

Testosterone is essential for male well being and when testosterone levels are low throughout your life suffers from it. It is vital for many bodily functions, some essential for quality of life, so if you think you may have low testosterone levels do something to solve the problem. Increase testosterone levels can make you feel 10 years younger, physically, and mentally or sexually speaking.
